Anyone here? (14 year old killed street racing)

not so much

edit: fucking nephews christening bullshit … i woulda had it if i didnt have people asking me shit

2 minutes late HRK

fine, ill go one better here … did anyone else read this part and go WTF till they got to the next line

"He and my son were very very close. He’d eat me out…

i love how this is in the kills section

haha how ironic

Figured all the little street racers should realize that sometimes their “kills” are a little more serious.

i heard on the radio today that they were coming back from picking up the new Harry Potter book “Deathly Hallows”, kind of ironic, but honestly its sad that a 14 yr old was killed because of a judgement call of someone else driving.



Townline Rd in Lancaster?! That’s just dumb. Its a shitty road and quite hilly. Stoopid 18yos, They were probably texting while racing. :bloated:


i heard on the radio today that they were coming back from picking up the new Harry Potter book “Deathly Hallows”, kind of ironic, but honestly its sad that a 14 yr old was killed because of a judgement call of someone else driving.



i saw this on the news last night, and when they showed the wreckage they had the camera set up so that you could see the new harry potter book in the foreground, it was so gay

it was a phantom grey eg hatch too, not that it matter :frowning: rip

yeh he went to my highschool and was friends with my girlfriend

he gassed when he should have brake, dipped

RIP but seriously, townline rd? what the hell were they thinking

Townline Rd is windy and bumpy isn’t it? I don’t travel back roads out that way often, but I think it is?

I think we can all agree this is only the fault of Harry Potter.

Donald is a kid who lived down the street from my parents ehh


Townline Rd is windy and bumpy isn’t it? I don’t travel back roads out that way often, but I think it is?


no, its straight, but there are some bumpy parts

RIP its always sad to see a kid die, esp for something senseless and avoidable.

Shame that someone died due to someone else negligence. But racing down that road, what ze fuck awful place to race. :bloated: