Anyone in UB's MBA program?

If you’re in or going for the business field, you need a suit, or many, period.

Wear a suit to said interview. If you have no other reason to own one, buy a cheap one from mens wearhouse and save it for the next wedding you go to.

I’m going to end up in school untill im 30 and still wont be able to use proper grammer. I can see it now.:banghead:

what does the UB MBA program cost?

around $8,500 a year

Thank god for Grad assistant jobs :slight_smile: I can’t afford any more student loans

8500/year for how many classes?

balancing sucks.

All i have left for the M.S. IT from buff state is the project.
its been fun. i started the program with 1 child and came out of it with 2.
now its a wife, 3 y/o, 1 y/o and a ~11 month old puppy.

i vote you take it right away, that way you will not be currupted by…
“thats the way we always did it” etc…



PMBA. It’s not hard, but combined with a full time job and a home life it keeps me busy. Today I worked, returned a power auger that I rented last night to snake out my sewer line, went back to work, left work early because National Fuel was installing a meter for my new service for my new furnace, now I’m studying for my Accounting final, later I’m taking my accounting final, and then I’m going out to celebrate having finished accounting.

lol but it’s that insane time of year right now. All fall it’s been OK.


Just wait. My first semesters were easy. This one has been a bitch.

It’s full time, so I’m assuming 4-6 classes a semester.


around $8,500 a year


Thats it??

a one year MBA at Western (London, Ontario) is $20k and its the best bargain in all of Canada.

Executive MBA’s in toronto out of Queen’s, York, U of T etc. are in the $75,000 to $100,000 range…for a 2 year course…

usually our education is cheaper.

Well the thing is I already work 35-40 hours a week if not more and go to school full time. I do half ass school and work kind of. I have about a 2.9 in Engineering at UB, but when I finish I’ll have +/- 2 years of engineering work under my belt. I have heard you need at least a 3.0 gpa to get into the MBA program. What if I take a semester off and work, will they take the ~2.5 experience over my 2.9? I talked to my adviser and they are complete idiots. She said I can’t get into the MBA course because I didn’t declare it at the start of my career!? WTF I don’t want a dual major I want to go get my MBA. I think I will go talk it over with the dean or something because I am getting no where with these people.

I guess I’ll try to do it right away. Yarh. Can you get this done in 1-2 years pretty easily?

I’m hoping its going to be a little easier then engineering, not that it was hard, it more so took effort.

I wish I didn’t have to work and go to school but thats not an option. I have no dept and don’t really want to start making some.

Wonder if it would be any good to get a PHD after ? :snky:

Has anyone done the MBA program online? That’s how I would be doing it. 2 classes at a time.

My friend is getting his online at Gonzaga University, and he says its pretty easy.

I know Penn State has an MBA program online but its hard to get into.

Don’t do it right away. Work first. You’ll get more out of it. Most of the top MBA schools won’t even consider a candidate that doesn’t have at least 2 years work experience.

IIRC UB is around $600 per credit hour.


Thats it??

a one year MBA at Western (London, Ontario) is $20k and its the best bargain in all of Canada.

Executive MBA’s in toronto out of Queen’s, York, U of T etc. are in the $75,000 to $100,000 range…for a 2 year course…

usually our education is cheaper.


A lot of private schools are a lot more expensive, but offer more scholarships, etc.

The executive MBA at UB is about $40,000 for the two years

SUNY schools are almost always going to be cheaper for in-state students than a private school.


IIRC UB is around $600 per credit hour.


That’s just for the PMBA though, full-time is different

im waiting until i can do the executive mba program at ub i think… 1 day/week


im waiting until i can do the executive mba program at ub i think… 1 day/week


It’s two days (Friday and Saturday), every other week

I work in the executive and professional MBA program at UB :slight_smile:


It’s two days (Friday and Saturday), every other week

I work in the executive and professional MBA program at UB :slight_smile:


two days every… two weeks 2/2 = 1/1 = 1 :slight_smile:

regardless, i’ll wait another 5 or 6 years and do that, I am in no rush for my masters. At this point as redrum mentioned it’s not going to pull me much over my current BS in business administration.


two days every… two weeks 2/2 = 1/1 = 1 :slight_smile:


Just figured you meant one day every week :slight_smile:


Just figured you meant one day every week :slight_smile:


yea, I can see how you get that from what I said, since that is exactly what I said. :stuck_out_tongue:

Don’t sweat it, just learn how to read minds and you’ll never make this mistake again. :spank:



Possibly lots of drinks at BWW on Friday :slight_smile: of course, that doesn’t compare to Quote Fridays :lol:


ha! God that place sucks. Except when B-rad took everyone.

If you guys are out late. I may swing by. I miss Mark. Thanks a lot Erica. Oh and I guess it would be nice to say hi to you too. I guess.

Congrats again.