Anyone into techno?

well house is gay first of all. duns duns duns duns duns fuck that shit thats what gay faggots listen to. If it has a 4/4 bass drum i cant stand it. im all about chaotic electronic mixed with jazz like miles davis on steroids and L. you can just listen to it and tell its not mainstream.

If this post was typed with 100% seriousness…

Your gay just because you think a certain type of music makes someone gay.

I hate that BS. This isn’t HS where liking stuff like that makes someone gay. I got that shit back in HS. It’s old.

We all have different tastes. I have everything from a few slow love songs by Mariah Carey/Marc Anthony/the like to some Japenese Pop to Kenny G to Classical (Mozart) to Russian Pop to Gospel to Techno to Skillet/the like and everything else in between.

It in no way makes me any less of a man than you. Some people just love music and have a varied taste.


i didnt say everyone who likes duns duns duns is gay… all i said was GAY PEOPLE DO LISTEN TO THAT which is a fact… not calling you gay. You can come back and say, hey gay people listen to all kinds of music which is true but house is one of THEIR bigger scenes and everyone knows that. not a personal attack.

It still doesn’t make any difference. Music is music no matter who listens to it.

What he said

I also love this kind of music:

well let me know next time you go to a rave and some guy trys grabbin your pecker ull care.

gay guys listen to 50 cent…

to compensate for their gayness.
50 cent is a pussy anyway

i would love to see you say that to curtis’ face

Breaking News:
White boy calls 50 Cent aka Curtis Jackson a “pussy” to his face.
Jackson buys him a drank.


I don’t drink, smoke, go to bars, clubs, or any place of the sort.

I have nothing to worry about.

I’m what they call “straight edge”.

+1, haha

Hey…ain’t no shame in it lol.

indeed. I find other ways to have fun

Like fucking goats??

Please tell me you listen to Minor Threat.

Ive got a Crystal Method cd and its pretty good.

good one, adam :rofl:rofl