Anyone Know any Halfmoon judges!?!?!?

heard about?! haha what’s there to hear about? :rofl

you make oprah look sexy.

im in your thread, whatcha gonna do,


have fun with your ticket ms i wasnt speeding, the cop just assumed i was because i have a riced out celica.

does this mean you’re leaving the thread now? hmm :thumbup

Don’t count on it. :lol

too good to be true, I know

yeah cuz im going to ocean city maryland, have fun here, dont get anymore tickets, god knows you cant afford the one you just got… FAIL.

you are the female Failvis.

Have fun man, eat a crab cake for me at the little green shack. :lol

i dont eat crab y0. oh yeah and :lock

Unlocked since it was locked for no reason other than MK has a chip on his shoulder for some reason.

i just felt like locking it, rreeeelax. it forced everyone to view the epic fail thats going on right now!

Wow. Get a lawyer, dont speed. Dont blame the Trooper for your actions.

+rep lolerbating over here, 'bout to blow

unlocked nice

Here is your problem.

Your riced up POS annoys the police.

And everyone else.

Please, man, if you need led hood scoops to get attention you need family counseling, not sympathy from your friends here.


Tom. She’s a girl. With big boobs.


you’re a man with his dick still in the original packaging

Your point? What does that have to do with anything? He called her a man. I said she was a girl. With big boobs. Was I wrong?

Oh well, good try at being an ass hole I guess. Attempt noted. Better luck next time.
