Anyone own a RAZR phone?

all you have to do is update your firmware to take movies.

'cause 90% of the phones Moto makes are GSM. And since you deal with CDMA Verizon phones, they get the older tech. No one cares about CDMA :slight_smile:

samsung sucks too… the low end samsung phone sucks more than the low end motorola phone… therefore a decent moto>samdung… sounds right? right? good

actually ive been pretty impressed with most samsungs.

and because it doesnt have that stupid charger port, samsung>moto for the most part.

ok…how? (my phone is cingular locked)

If I had a RAZR I’m almost certain that I wouldn’t be posting in this thread. I’d be having hot raunchy phone sex.

i have a cingular razr and i have a big problm with both sending and recieving text messages, 1 week i have 20/30 then the next week i get the other 50 that i should have gotten, as fras pictures forget about it they almost never send…but the service is A+ i cant complain…

notes- text message sucks,razr fad is over…bluetooth is fun

razr is nice, but mos def played out.

Good phone, Fantastic reception, i dont know about features, i only use it as a PHONE!

goto motomodders, your phone isn’t “locked”. You just need a USB cable and the right software.