Anyone still play Forza 3?

Just wondering… I heard theres a Forza 4 coming out this year also :blahblah

i hope so… i play forza 3 alot, not online or anything tho.

9/1/11 for Forza 4. Can’t wait.

I would if it didn’t take so long to make any money.

All I wanna do is build cars and screw around. I don’t feel like actually doing hour long ‘seasons’.

Then make friends online who have a shit ton of money to just give you cars to sell… lol Do you play online?

Singh plays Forza. He likes Dubai Sultan cars. I heard hes kinda a boner tho. Idk lol

Send me cars in GT5 —> WiiDevi7

was just going to post this :lol

I got some Shit in forza if anyone plays it… I actually debated on a Ps3 just for gt5

i have 50,000,000 Forza3 dollhairs. its sweet.

Very rarely anymore.

nonstop when it came out, now i dont play too much

i can hook you up, add singh336 to your friends, i’ll throw you whatever you want just let me know how much…

like singh

i have dubai sultan money. thats for sure

i play forza sometimes, not alot of time for xbox and when i do play its usually black cocks, but i’ll be down for some forza here and there

I play forza while my GT5 Bspec driver is on an enduro.

Send me cars

Forza - JGDynasty

Singh hook me up bro… lol I played with you last night on Black ops

Thanks Singh. I’ll add you. How do you make money in Forza? I’m not particularly good with car designs, and I haven’t tried selling and tunes or what not (not even sure if I’d be good at it). Just buy cars, build em, and sell for crazy amounts of money?

How much money you got? I’ll even paypal you $5 for dinner if you can send me a million or two. Or three. lol.

ya just get at me next time u see me online playing forza

no paypaling, its just a game… i’ll hook ya up… how much u want 3 mill? no prob. I’ve got arab money in that game srsly

I make money from tuning setups and paintjobs and stealing cars for nothing and selling them for stupid amounts, like STUPID amounts. I bought a 20 million cr ferrari for about 240k and sold it for 7 mill once

also i made and sold setups for those stupid expensive cars, that dont actually work at all… but they sold for 100k’s

Shit man when you gunna be on? Lol

I’m going to get on now and add you.

And :lol @ arab money. You are ruler of the country known as Forza Dubai. Your license plate is “1”.

Haha im honna build dubai themed cars

lol Post pics. Cossey put a few of a chromey r8 in gt thread