anyone want to hit the ice this weekend?

I had no idea who anyone was… hah. I saw Nick’s (I’m assuming) audi and another one both cruising around the larger oval for a little bit, and at some point, I recognized SSmokin SS’ quad because I remember seeing the front control arms…

My brother and I got there, and pretty much just unloaded the 100’s, ran out, and rode non-stop until it was dark… lots of fun, though- i haven’t ridden that much in a while. Hopefully next time, we’ll get there earlier and actually get to meet some people…

I had the blue Yamaha SXR snowmobile, was wearing a white & black Fox ski jacket & black snow pants. I think I saw you guys on the 100’s

o damn sorry…when you said 250R I assumed it was a quad…

shoulda said something to me…I dont know anyones names to faces besides the select few

When I went off the track over the snow bank I blew my radiator hose off…I didnt realize it until I pulled up to my truck and it was smoking like a mother…fixed it on the spot and loaded up anyways. I need to fix my 5th gear bad lol gears 1-4 my quad holds its own but it sucks staying in 4th and others are in 5th going by me.

I prefer the TT coarse over the oval…deff. a fun coarse.

who wants to do round lake next weekend?? Round lake has 2 different size ovals and a bigger TT track…I have a buddy with a YFZ he just got comming out.

yea the TT coarse was a good time, id like to check out round lake and see how that is

What does TT mean anyway?

deffinayly a kikin time… After my dad was bombin around he left and went to check out round lake and he said it was dead … Like 3 quads and a sled… I’d be willing to give it a shot but next weekend I’m comin out with studs… Drews quad with the studs was wayyyyy to fun, just hook and go

Yours with tires with treads will be a big improvement over those steam rollers youre riding on now.

For real, all you do it fight that thing to keep it straight when it gets down to the bare ice with those tires.

its quite fun, the back end is a bit happy if I may say so.

I think it sucks when you can’t hook up and you’re having to slow down significantly going into the corners to not spin out and go in and out of the corners nicely.

true, im just saying overall its quite fun lol

yea, i’m deffinatly tired of driving with no studs… gonna have em studded for this upcoming weekend though!!

yeh that was nick and in the silver one and me in the white one, SO MUCH FUN!

do 2 studs per lug in the rear…make sure they are 1" or long studs or else you will rip them out and get flats/

anyone looking for studs…

wellll my shoulders are killin me along with my right leg from rollin over yesterday. i’m gona be sore as FUCK tommorrow!

can’t wait for next weekend though!

Nick, post up the pics!!!

yeah +1 on the pics!!!

theirs pics?

yeh nick took some good ones