I went outside this morning and discovered someone had thrown eggs at my car. This just annoys and depresses me as even though i worked hard for a long time to pay for it, some punk kids can come along and just chuck egg’s at my car. They hit the rear window twice, and the rear of the car once 2 egg’s hit my garage door. I have 3 other cars in my family none got hit just my car. Now Im pissed and on a mission to find out who.
As you can see when u only got 2.5 hours sleep and get up to notice your car has been vandalized tis not the best feeling.
I want to install a motion sensor light, on my porch, but my question is I hear that you can get some with a transponder that sets off a small alarm inside your house to warn you about the motion being detected. if anyone has any info or recommendations that would be most appreciated.
I hope you find them…and when you do…I say you make them eat raw eggs… and make them shovel your drive way… I hate ppl that vandalize cars… Last summer I woke up on a Saturday morning to goto work only to see that my car had no more windows left. Someone broke all the windows and didnt even take the system…it wasnt a skyline…civic but still. and it was stock…
yea, i hope you find them and beat them down! then make them face the wall execution style so you can whip some eggs at them! f***in people! I hope they get whats comming to them!
I don’t really think it is a matter of jealousy…I think it is a matter of people wanting to destroy things just for the mere pleasure it brings them. I honestly hope you find out who did this to your car. It’s sad that we as a society can not longer have nice things in fear of having it destroyed by others who have no respect for anyone else but themselves.
lol<<< if you find them and dont want to get ypour hands dirty m me ill take care of them theyl get u a neew winshield and obviously thell pay u mmoney for emotional disstress and ofcourse they ll apologize properly
lol if you find them make them clean off the eggs with their tongues =D…
wait that might be considered abuse -_-
nvm just make them pay cash to fund your car
Dam that sucks man, I had the same thing happen to my car a while back. They also emptied out their beer on my car. I wish I found out who did it so I can break their knee caps… I hope you find out who those vandals are and beat the shit out of them.
I undetstand. I know you guys have had worse Im not crying my sob story Im just showing what happened and seeing if anyone has any solutions. What if these people come back with bats and break out my windows.
some people never change man. little jelous kids or whatever just hating on something they dont have… i had my car painted along time ago and that week it got a 5 foot key from back to front. shitty buzz
im pretty sure this was probably a bunch of kids who dont even know what a skyline is.
as for the beer being poured out onto your car, that was probably a bunch of drunk teens…i dont think they targeted your car cause it was a skyline but more like they car that they found while they had eggs in their hand.
i was walking down the street a few years back drunk with more beer to go drink and my friend got whaled with a egg by a passing car in his arm, cut him open and errrthin, it aws loooooose…they are dangerous at like 50km/h haha.
hope you still find out who it was, grab em by the ear and take them to daddy and break daddys wallet.