I really want an E70 now.
I felt the same at first, and I’m not a current apple user.
In the end though, it is “basically” just a high end (hardware) computer with a much more streamlined interface. Everything works, as & when its supposed to.
I don’t know enough about them to make recommendations, but I’ll admit that I’m an apple hater, but solely because of the rampant consumerism that is tied to / portrayed by alot of the apple die hards.
how long did it take apple to catch pc?
thanks, hagd.
I’ll let you know when it happens
Agreed. I hate the typical mac user, but I absolutely love mine. I love the shortcuts, the interface, the cool features like the magnetic power thing, the retard long battery life, and yeah. I swear by it. I think the macbook is awesome for when I am moving around, traveling, or whatever, but I think Ill always have a PC at home for compatibility stuff and storage.
the fun part here is that it’s been a back and forth game… remember when mac had the first graphical user interface and the PC took forever to catch up?
IMHO it took until windows 98 to get better than OS9 (but there were a ton of other reason mac sucked back then). did mac try to hang on to crap hardware and software? no they reinvented themselves from the ground up and now have a considerable lead IMO.
lol no, they started using standard Intel processors and PC hardware
no they used intel stuff when they figured out the ibm processors they were using sucked ass.
Ok lets look at this from another perspective. How many gaming machines are apples? I cant think of any, Viper, Alienware, Puget, Falcon Northwest…all PC based. Shit even Graphic designers are starting to drop apple and goto pcs because the difference in quality is getting so close now, there is no need to overpay for something that just doesnt look that much better anymore.
This debate can be played forever, its all about preference, buy what you like.
had to get costs down somehow, as much as I joke about the sucking, it was all about the Benjamins.
and the reinventing remark is more in regards to starting over from the ground up and not evoloving CRAP – see windows vista.
I really don’t understand why people say that Apple computers are so much more expensive than PC’s. If you spec out similar hardware its pretty comparable now that they are intel based.
If you are just saying “well i could get a PC for cheaper” yea, you can, with really shitty specs. However the OS is cheaper (if you are actually buying it), especially if you are looking at Vista Ultimate.
Totally depends what you want to do. If you want to fuck around on the net and edit pictures and stuff hands down get yourself a macbook or imac. Way more plush user experience, which if you’re pretty much just doing the basic’s is all that separates the two. If you want to do entry level photo/video editing again, the built in tools in iLife far surpass what comes with windows and integrate well with the rest of the system.
If you want to play games or runs tons of specialized software, then yea, you should probably stick with a PC for now.
Umm PowerPC processors were fucking awesome in terms of performance (at the time), however pricewise they sucked. Graphic designers are not dropping Apple to go to PC’s, it is still about the same as it has always been. I can’t believe you just mentioned Alienware and the like and went on to talk about overpriced apple :bloated:
edit: Don’t get it confused, I defend Apple on most of these threads because most of you are what I used to be about 3 years ago, which quite simply is ignorant to the changes Apple has made. I used to be a total Apple hater, but now I appreciate and own both systems. I’ve got two PC’s and two Apple’s, they each have their own purpose and I wouldn’t switch them out for the main reason that they each have their own strengths.
The regular macbook might be cheap but if you step up to a 17" model Pro you are talking close to $3k to start. You can find a similarly equipped HP or Lenovo notebook for a good $800 cheaper.
17" macbook pro can be had for ~$2500. 17" HP’s range anywhere from 2200-3600 just like the MBP.
Up until recently the price thing was totally true, but now that they are using similar hardware its really not much different at all.
edit: and you can pickup refurbs direct from apple for like 2K (yes I know same can be said for HP/Lenovo, and for what it is worth I really like the Lenovo laptops)
but will it work flawlessly with your ipod, iphone, itunes, itv, & igf as soon as you plug them in?
My point is if you want a 17" screen you HAVE to get the MacBook Pro and spend $2500+. If I want a 17" brightview/glossy screen, high resolution capability with a good (not the shitty Intel integrated either) graphics card, DVD burner, etc, I can spend under $2000 if not less on something like this that comes with a 3 year warranty to boot.
i am looking FWD to the real information that comes out in this thread. Now that you can run windows on it I MIGHT look at getting one…
I am a little late, but PowerPC processors were/are far from shitty. They did not switch to Intel because of performance issues. It makes them more money.
The most expensive thing about buying any mac is paying for an apple display…and btw IT’S WORTH EVERY FUCKING PENNY. Sure I could have gotten a 2.4 C2D w/ 1GB and a 250GB, etc… etc. PC for substantially less than the $1200 I paid. But I’d easily make up the difference to have a 20" display as nice as the display on this mother fucker.
I spec’d out a Mac Pro for Pumice similar to the XPS he has now, it wasn’t until I started adding 30" cinema displays that the price got out of hand.
Compare apple to top of the line dell shit and it’s reasonably close. But I won’t deny that you pay for name “culture” and design. But god damn the design is great.
I bought the iMac so I could fuck around with the iPhone SDK and it replaced my PC 3 days later. It’s an absolutely phenomenal system.
PS - If i still needed to do “power” office functions i would still be using a PC
I’m not a fan of Macs, in any capacity. I hate being chained to anything. That said, if you’re doing schoolwork, web design…actually, pretty much anything but gaming these days, and you’re not a real geek, a Mac may be for you. They’re relatively painless to use and own, particularly to anyone who wants a computer they can just plug in and use. The pricepoint is typically higher than a similarly equipped PC.
I may have missed it, but what exactly are you in it for?
you should probably actually compare that HP to the macbook pro with the same features if you wanna say that the HP is better. first of all, yes the MBP has an integrated graphics card, but by all means it is not a shitty card. it is a dedicated 512mb video card. that HP had a 256 card with 512 turbocache…not as good. the battery’s last longer on the MBP’s, and the Airport comes with the wireless-N card, but you could probably upgrade that on the HP. and the MBP even comes with software like iMovie, iPhoto, iDVD, Garageband, iWeb, etc. for free and on an HP you would have to pay hundreds to get comparable software.
and i’ve used a PC for a really long time and have hated apple computers until i decided to give Mac’s a shot. turns out they’re a lot better than i couldve thought. i love the interface of the operating system and how it’s used. and Apple is constantly doing updates to the operating systems thats different than stupid security updates like Windows. they work on other things like the Airport functionality instead of just security.
now dont get me wrong, i love PC’s and will never get rid of my PC. so if someone is really looking into getting a new computer, you should really just look at both a Mac and a PC and use both to see which you really like more and which one you could get better use on for your needs. if you do choose a Mac in the end, you wont want to go back to PC.
EDIT: oh and you can buy refurbished MBP’s for almost $400 cheaper
You are not getting what I am saying.
IF I want a notebook with a 17" screen but not all the power features, I don’t have any options when it comes to Mac. I am not doubting the MacBook Pro has a lot of great features but it does not give me the variety that I would expect. THAT’s ALL I AM SAYING. The Apples to Apples (no pun intended) is going to be very similar, I agree.