April 25th cruise, updates start on page 15



No love for trucks?


trucks ftl

Damn I didnt think people hated trucks that much.

We don’t.

We just hate chipmunks and chipmunk lovers

Bad experience as a child? Rabid chipmunk bite your grandma?

No I saw a Behind the music where the chipmunks were blowing coke and thought that would make me cool too.

Do you know what its like to trip balls when your 5?

Don’t bring that up you asshole :cry:

Count me in.

Got a link to that episode?

My friend had a worse trip when we were going to a Yankees game. We lasted two inning at that game (13 inning game) because he was so paranoid. That was after his brother crashed the car, paid off the guy he hit and saw Spongebob on the dash.

If it makes you feel any better I used to feed my grandmother People Crackers (dog biscuits) and she ate them.


im down as long as the s14 is down for it haha :open_mouth:

ya i do feel better lol

Sounds like a great idea. Maybe meet up at the exit 8 PNR, head up to Lake George, have pizza @the aforementioned pizza joint (as long as they are open…the parking is good there), and head up the mountain? The only thing that matters to me about where we eat is the parking (as long as it’s not some sushi bullshit).

I wonder how the parking is at that Jhonny Rockets place across from The Great Escape?

In most likly with teh new ride :ninja

Its good the parking lot is big and smooth. easily accessible

ill come too, unless you haters are gonna try to run me off the damn road

Wear pink parachute pants and rainbow suspenders with a “I’m a virgin but this t-shirt is old” wife beater.

*yes i know the multiple forms of irony in that statement