April 25th cruise, updates start on page 15

i will, but you’ll have to hold my hand as we walk down the street

I am down.

99FRC just said he’d hold your hand.

I’m pretty sure you can find the pants and tank top on ebay or at a slavation army near you

Sounds like fun. Ill prolly be bringing the new car instead of the 94…4.10’s+ highway cruising ftl lol

my car wont be done, so if i can go ill need to hitch a ride

ill give u a ride if u want to

yeah im good, thanks. im sure i can find room in nicks car

shrug 'kay

if i dont bring the women, u can come wif me. i dont think she will be too into a bunch of dudes drooling over rolling metal. haha

who are u? im getting the vibes that u are generally not liked by many.

I just want to go back to that pizza place and actually hit on that chick

are we talking about the one next to the arcade? no parking there. where else?


i dont think ive met you in person, but theres ppl that tolerate me. theyre the ones i usually talk to when im out.

no its in the outlets offf exit twenty. We stopped there last year on the V8festapalooza-stock cruise

sushi is fucking awesome you pussies

I love sushi. but there is no good sushi place IN lake george. I don’t even know of one above Saratoga actually

im down. luckily the Zed gets great MPG’s on the highway so it wont cost as much

When is this all going down?

We’re doing the pizza joint across from the outlets. No fucking pussy ass fancy dinner shit. Save that for chicks you are trying to impress.

I’ve always thought it was ultra stupid mega gay when car people go to high end dinners in a large group. I’d go to McDonalds if we could have the parking lot to ourselves.