April 25th cruise, updates start on page 15

LOL. Yeah, pussies don’t eat sushi.


Ha, I’d rather just step up and pick somewhere, rather then argue about it for months, and have it never happen in the end. Not that that never happens on this forum or anything…

im done

what else is new.

if we have enough of us, we can have the mcdonalds parking lot to ourselves!

I tried that and they said I wasnt welcome

What new car?

My 4.10’s are fine on the highway. I drove the car with the aod and the t5 on the highway and hit 120 with both tranny’s so its not that bad.

I like suishi too wtf.

Trav I assume you want this to be AFTER the first or second weekend of April… right? :ninja

it better be mid april

if i don’t have the new hotness by then i’ll prolly catch a ride with big red.

what do ya mean willis???


he’s done

who the fuck doesn’t take their car out in late March-early April? Let alone May?!:crazy

edit: I’d prolly be down to come

no shit :retardclap but why

i was kidding :rofl

i want it to be warm, i wanna cruise with the windows down and not freeze my ass off

its a long winter, as long as theirs not tons of salt and dirt on the road my Z is coming out as soon as its “kinda” warm and nice.

^^^ That’s what I’m talking about, 45*+ is alright as long as there’s no salt/sand on the roads!!!