April 25th cruise, updates start on page 15

how the hell would u know?

Bakarakian told me

Bakerian u asshat!

oh yea, you have to put one of those exacto knife blades into it and have at her!

God damn supra fags

Probably drinking thinking things are way funnier than they are!

ok thats strike two for you



How does April 25th sound for everyone (Sat)?

We could meet at my work (Airport)…I’m sure I could reserve a private parking lot for us to meet, I think it has about 25 or so parking slots…

Then we could head up to LG, go up/down the mountain then dinner?

Just throwing it out there. Seems like a decent idea since the aforementioned parking lot is about 2 minutes from the Northway.

how nice will the weather be by end of april?

dude :rofl

i srsly HATE cold, you dont even know.

Right but it’s not like this is your first year in the Northeast :rofl

Get a damn farmer’s almanac if you really haven’t been around the last two decades of your life. :facepalm

u have a point there, sir

the 25th sounds good

yup sounds good.

IM down for April 25th. Hurry up and lock this date in cause since its a saturday I’ll have to take it off.

I’m going to bring my own umbrella girl

Sure, April 25th is fine…with a rain date of the following weekend?

Meet at 2pm at my work (Eclipse Aviation)?