Are you kidding? GM insanity inside.

I can’t believe you guys are this naieve and short sighted! ALL OF YOU!! You think that GM is the only automaker that is going to incur higher R&D and production costs because of the new CAFE standards??!! Are you serious. The cost increases are going to be industry wide. I can’t seem to think of any car company that currently meets the 2020 standards. Please ANYONE correct me if I am wrong. You folks are rediculous. So lemme get this straight. Lutz speaks out about how CAFE will raise costs. You all bash GM for being stoopid and denouncing their demise. So Toyota, Honda, BMW, etc etc have some majic technology that the entire car industry has except GM that will allow them to meet teh new requirements with their current product line and technology. YOU ARE ALL FUCKING RETARDS!! What really concerns me her eis the inteligence (or lack there of) of the people posting in this thread. You all are the one who will struggle in the future. You are worried about GM and cafe. You might want to take a few extrea classes next simester.