Are you kidding? GM insanity inside.

…while they are able to solidy their market presence.

Read JayS’ link.

Better yet,

Among the study’s findings:

  • An attribute-based CAFE would mean lower standards for Detroit’s automakers. Under a size-based standard of 35 mpg, the Big Three could be required to meet a 33-mpg standard, while the rest of the industry would have to meet a 38-mpg standard.
  • An attributed-based CAFE yields greater gains in market share and profits for the Big Three than for the rest of the industry. Detroit automakers stand to receive more of the profit gains from higher CAFE because they will be making improvements that have higher market value and higher profit margins.
  • Higher CAFE standards yield higher profits. The strongest CAFE proposal currently under consideration in Congress (Markey-Platts) provides the greatest profit for Detroit automakers. GM, Ford and Chrysler have projected profits of $14.4 billion by 2017, more than twice as much than the weaker proposal under consideration (Hill-Terry).