Are you kidding? GM insanity inside.

Of course, the big issue isn’t 32/35 by 2020. The bigger issue is if California gets its way - which means 39 overall by 2016 (e.g. in less than two model cycles). And if California wins its suit against EPA, then half of America’s car-buying public will be adjusted to that new standard.

Simple, make a small FWD car.

you realize that CAFE is going to rape Daimler & BMW?

The cars are heavy & powerful. Mercede publicly stated they consider CAFE fines as cost of doing business…

This is just GM’s way of letting the public know what liberal Fascism will cost them when buying a car.

…while they are able to solidy their market presence.

Read JayS’ link.

Better yet,

Among the study’s findings:

  • An attribute-based CAFE would mean lower standards for Detroit’s automakers. Under a size-based standard of 35 mpg, the Big Three could be required to meet a 33-mpg standard, while the rest of the industry would have to meet a 38-mpg standard.
  • An attributed-based CAFE yields greater gains in market share and profits for the Big Three than for the rest of the industry. Detroit automakers stand to receive more of the profit gains from higher CAFE because they will be making improvements that have higher market value and higher profit margins.
  • Higher CAFE standards yield higher profits. The strongest CAFE proposal currently under consideration in Congress (Markey-Platts) provides the greatest profit for Detroit automakers. GM, Ford and Chrysler have projected profits of $14.4 billion by 2017, more than twice as much than the weaker proposal under consideration (Hill-Terry).


Considering Daimler got a 30 million dollar fine under the CURRENT regs I doubt they’ll simply be able to carry on with business as usual under the new CAFE requirements. If they do expect some real big gas guzzler taxes on their vehicles.

That’s what Hitlary wants you to think.
Good boy.

from your own link:

CAFE fines seem to be something Europeans specialize in. Of the more than half a billion dollars in civil CAFE fines, not a cent has been contributed by domestic or Asian automakers. Yet.
while I think it is rediculous, I believe they may continue. So long as the profit margin & volume justify it.

In 2005 DaimlerChrysler $16.9 million, BMW at $3 million, and VW at $1.1 million

The top 10 CAFE breakers accounted for 96 percent of the fines collected. Some no longer sell vehicles in the U.S., and Mercedes-Benz paid fines under its own name until 1998 when it was merged with Chrysler into the now-defunct DaimlerChrysler. The amounts they paid over the 22-year period are:
• Mercedes-Benz USA, $226,128,170
• BMW North America, $225,531,779
• Porsche Cars North America, $52,437,258
• Jaguar, $40,069,650
• DaimlerChrysler, $25,432,836
• Rover Group, $23,092,226
• Fiat Motors of North America, $10,791,076
• Ferrari Maserati of North America,. $5,077,248
• Sterling Motor Cars, $4,309,780
• Peugeot Motors of America, $2,855,205

Depends on how severe the fines become.

ditto. Shouldn’t you be renewing your annual membership to the Swift Boat Veterans or something? On one hand, you have the biggest conservative we’ve seen come to power in the last century whose main domestic policy was to homogenize germany, and was in favor of full-scale military buildup, for the purpose of conquering eurasia. On the other, you have an economically moderate, social liberal, whose main points of contention are health insurance for everyone, a more equal society promoting diversity, and focusing more on domestic issues than foreign conquests, and the fact that she’s a woman.

You might as well compare Lenin to Reagan. That makes absolutely no sense.

My guess is pretty severe if they’re at 30 million under the current guidelines, assuming they keep the same MPG averages.

I just used this thread in the middle of class to shut up one of my professors hard. Thank you nyspeed and iPod touch!