Arrested for video taping police from your front yard

Who or what is reproducing?:dunno:

He’s going to turn it off and then pistol whip you. :tup:

There was an event to raise money for her.

RPD showed up and ticketed every vehicle not within 12 inches of the curb, and any other violation they could drum up.

Stay classy RPD, the nation is watching.

Welcome to page 1.

I agree with JayS 100%
She is a douche.
but I’d just like to add, that pink plastic 25 cent ruler looked very manly.
and also, how fucking hard is it to park close to a curb?

courts are all ready full 24/7, with far more worthless bogus crap…

(to copperlegend) why exactly are you against an activist taking action well within her legal rights to prove a point. Ya see my friend if you are a tax paying person (which I am assuming you are) you pay for these people called COPS to patrol your streets and enforce laws. It is not the job of a police officer to make his own laws up on the fly. Just imagine if it were possible to gather enough evidence of police going outside there boundaries to make a difference, you may actually have a court system that functioned like it was created to do…

I absolutely agree with jays statement pertaining her involvement with squatting, however that is another issue all together.

This is a classic example of the problems that take place in many police departments in this area, not just the RPD…