Ass jockeys at IMAX transit

Dude, why isn’t your Saturn autox-able now? I’m confused. Not riced out enough?

not enough money at the moment. i need $1300 for adjustable coilvers lol, wanna give it to me? lol

give em a chance, at least hes heading in “the right” direction.

completely true.

you’re so angry because people are shit talking in OFFTOPIC to a kid in a GM FWD V6.

Yet all the bullshit that you blindly spew about honda bois in gen auto threads is okay?

Wipe your vag.

Oh, when you see someone quoted, there is a small .gif icon following the name of the person quoted… click on it and you will be taken to where the quote originated from.

Everyone here has an opinion. Get used to it. No reason to lock an offtopic thread that went offtopic.

I didn’t call the impala a pos. I asked for a timeslip. I also asked you to ask the impala driver (who said he won’t post here again) to run against a 12 second car. Would you do that for me?

I have no problem with you, you seem like you wanna take your car in a motorsports direction, :tup:. You “mods” so far aren’t nearly as bad as some others on this site.

thank you. i will tell him. i do want to mod my car and take it in the auto-x direction. unlike just putting stupid shit on the car lol

Do the driver mod first.

Stock cars are just as fun at auto-x. I started on a 1992 Toyota Camry. Had a blast doing so too.

anyone find this odd

humm P2 in a box

not blaming anyone but never know

on one hand i could have a well written reply here, but im done with work. who cares. thanks for the heads up on the gif arrow anyway.

That was a great thread. Sad to see it locked and banned.

I laughed greatly at it, and afterall, aren’t forums really about entertainment in the end?


i miss GOOD parody threads :clap:

word & word.

you guys are fucking retarded you know that? sureshot! was retarded to do this. my friend had the police on the phone ready to organize a sting to bust this guy. shit has been happening there for a while now so this was no laughing matter. do you want to see an innocent person such as sureshot! arrested or detained for no reason? i think not

Meh, might be a good laugh, and a good thread afterwards.

wtf happened to this thread

god damn

Wonderfulness man, wonderfulness.

what happened was people need to grow the fuck up

By this time, you’ve got to know that this is the internet. There is no place for logic, and certainly no place for maturity.

Petty shit will be said, and getting all heated up about internet shit is no way to deal with it.

wow, its one thing to sit behind your computer and shit talk but once you start bringing in the real world like sureshot! did, shit starts to get ugly.

Hmmm…He probley stole my spare off my ZR2.

You honestly couldn’t tell that was a joke?

Be honest with your response.

I actually wanted the sub and box, I skimmed quick seen 10in P2 in box make off

Its one of “them” days
:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: