Its me… I don’t really own a 240. I thought rwd was a waste of time so I picked up this wicked fast Vdub… I also converted to Nazism to go with my new purchase… Zeig Heil!!!
Oh snap! did you get the surgery that retrofits you dick into your asshole? I heard that was standard procedure when you get a Passat Wagon with badass F.I.D’s (Fake H.I.D’s) and a wicked cool Vdub sticker!!
Dude. Your panties are in a bunch because some passed you on the right? I’m not defending his actions but seriously, this shit happens everyday. I will pass on the right if people don’t move the fuck over.
Sure, you’re not supposed to pass on right but you sure as hell should move out of the passing lane when you see someone coming.
If I wanted to beat every single person that cut me off or passed me in the right, I’d have broken knuckles.
Just shake your head and move on. Your panties are sooooo bunched that you make a post about it. I would hate to see what happens in your life if something of actual consequence were to happen to you.
Not hatin, just tryin to see the big deal here and the need for this post.
Not so much the passing on the right, even tho it’s illegal I still do it sometimes. I was pissed because I almost got clipped due to someone being a wanker. And yes, there are plenty of things throughout the day that piss me off, but are trivial and really not worth making a big deal out of it. BUT, I also have problems with aggression, so if I did not vent somehow, it was completely feesable that I would’ve hunted the prick down, and beat him within an inch of his life. But then I’d be arrested, and I’d have to go back to meds that I haven’t taken in years because I know that if I just deal with things in my own way, I wont need them,…hence the point of this thread. I would’ve posted it in the drama section, but I can’t post there yet. In regards to the need for this post, if you tried to justifiy even 1/16th of the posts on SON,…it would be a failed endeavor.
Ron, thank you for your opinion.
Oh, and Ron… I wear a thong.
Well, it’s either you go around beating people and going back on meds or making a post…you’ve made the right choice.
Vent away dude! hahah.
lol the only “meds” I prefer make me want fast food and to play video games lol, but the smell offends my GF and it’s a smidgen too costly right now haha
so let me get this straight
your mad because you were travelling at say 110 going for the fast lane and your mad you got passed on the right by a faster car?
have I got it straight?
because there is little I enjoy more than passing on the right thinking to myself, use the right lane dip shits, pass then yield… simple…
but yes lane discipline on the 400 series highways is a joke
i was driving to work yesterday, one car length behind a brand new 2010 Benz GLK350, and there’s a pick-up heading the opposite direction with the bed full of easy chairs. as the Benz passes the truck, at the last possible second, the rear upper-most easy chair catches wind, flies off the bed of the truck and slams full-bore into the front driver’s side of the Benz. chair fucking ESPLODES, along with her headlight and driver’s-side mirror. my car got showered with bits of broken plastic and wood, and i had to swerve to avoid the carcass of the chair that landed in the middle of the road.
jack-ass in the truck thought that because he was only going 5 minutes up the road, he didn’t have to tie anything down…AT ALL! i’m talking no straps, no ropes, NOTHING. in an 80 zone to boot. and the chairs were stacked 2 high.
lady in the Benz was LIVID, screaming in his face about how she had just picked up the car 2 weeks ago. and it was merked…driver’s mirror was gone, headlight was shattered, grille destroyed, hood buckled a bit, and driver’s side fender pushed in a good 5 inches. coulda been fucking killed or seriousley injured if it had gone through the windshield or side window.
he was begging for her to not call the cops but she did anyways, and rightly so. i had to leave before the Po showed up but i hope the guy got what he deserved. if anything had hit my car i would have bloodied his face before he even got a word out.
this doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with lane etiquette…but still, so many morons on the roads these days, it’s hard to even fathom.
:420: Please thoroughly read the first part of the post, you should find the answer to your question.
That sounds like andy lol (GateCrasher3)
^I tried to but the lack of punctuation hurt my eyes and lowered my IQ simultaneously
oh snap,
if the lane to your right is available you should be in it… pass and yeild
stolen text;HTA
Slow vehicles to travel on right side
- (1) Any vehicle travelling upon a roadway at less than the normal speed of traffic and place shall, where practicable, be driven in the right-hand lane then available for traffic or as close as practicable to the right hand curb or edge of the roadway. R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 147 (1).
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to a driver of a,
(a) vehicle while overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction;
(b) vehicle while preparing for a left turn at an intersection or into a private road or driveway; or
© road service vehicle.
However, s. 147 states that if you are travelling at less than the normal speed of traffic (not the speed limit -the speed of traffic flow) you must travel in the right most lane. If you are in the leftmost lane and not tavelling at the normal speed of that lane you must move into the centre lane, and if you are in the centre lane and not travelling at the normal spped of traffic in that lane you must move to the right lane again.
this whole thing sounds avoidable, if you were already in the right(X2) lane
nice rant though
There are so many things wrong with that last half of that statement. You should never change who you are and the things you enjoy for a significant other. They should accept you and you entirely for everything you are. Faults and all…
On topic.
Even though you are family. I unfortunately agree with ronnie and S13G…
For the most part anyways.
I’m the old lady in the cavalier.
When I was 18 I bought a licence plate in the states that said MOVE in mirror image, so (for those who dont get it) the driver in front would read it properly. just like an ambulance. I know kinda gay but I was 18, common. So I threw it on my dash and flashed my highbeams till they saw the sign.
I took it down after 2 weeks cause people intentionally stayed in the left lane just to piss me off.
Yes I apologize for my atrocious punctuation. Ironically enough, I’m actually working towards getting my Gr 11 English as we speak, it was the one subject I could not grasp for the life of me. As far as the HTA statement is concerned, I was doing 100, working my way towards the slow lane. But, my rant has served it’s purpose, i feel better…plus I found the douche cannon.
Seriously though, if you have advice on grammar or punctuation…pm me with it…I could use it lol.
People drive like shit in general, I used to have rage attacks when I would come home on the 427 and exit at hwy 7. There’s one lane that ends on the right, and people always go into it to sneak by everyone that’s waiting to exit. At one point I decided I wasn’t having any more of it, so I started driving half in my lane, half in that lane to block the asshats that try to cut ahead of everyone. One day some douchester in an Impala decided to try and go around me because he’s too good to wait in line like all the rest of us, and I jumped out of my lane, punched it and kept up with him the whole time. I pushed him onto the paved shoulder and almost pushed him off the road but he stopped. And I stopped, and for a good 2 minutes, we sat in our cars, and I was contemplating getting out of mine, and hospitalizing him.
After that, I never took the 427 again. I took side roads home, so that I never have to deal with assholes like him, and I never got aggressive like that again. Sometimes, it can get really bad. I really don’t know what to do in a situation like that. Because you have two choices really, you can sit in the proper lane, and wait for days to exit onto hwy 7, while assholes blow by you and then merge in ahead, slowing your lane even more. Or, you can become one of them and cut ahead of all the good, responsible people. There’s the third choice that I took, take the law into your own hands and stop them from cutting in, but that was some of the most dangerous and stupid shit I’ve ever done, and I’ll never do it again.
Today I saw a white beater 3rd gen Jetta with a “VTEC Inside” sticker on the trunk… Uhh…
Behind it was a green Passat wagon with the hood up in front of the drive-way of the guy with a brand new white Passat sedan and a nice yellow Golf GTI normally in the garage (but it wasn’t there, storage?). Must have been some kinda mini-meet the little townhouse.
There is this single land road that goes from 70 to 50 because of a school zone. I always drop down to 50 since I’m in no rush. Usually someone in a BMW tries to pass me on a solid. I laugh hysterically, rev match into 3rd and toy with them. They couldn’t pass me if their lives depended on it, and I let them know this. If it wasn’t a school zone, and passing was legal, it’d be a different story. However, it isn’t, so the back is where they go. Don’t like? Ask daddy for a M3 instead of a 328 or that gargantuan SUV.
I ocassionallu toy with people depending on my mood. Sometimes people are just asshats. Like they come out of nowhere and start tail gating me like they wanna race. Dude was going deathly slow before but now won’t get off my ass and wants to pass on a solid. Those guys PISS me off hard. I blow the fucking doors off them and remind them of their place: that place is behind me ho ho ho.