Asshole kills 3 police officers

Are you fuckin kidding me? These are people that have died to protect the rest of the public from a fucking gun yeilding maniac.

Arent you a soldier or somethin? This is much like what happens overseas, exccept this time it was much closer to home for the entire City of Pgh.

Yea, sorry if you are an iron worker or fisherman who died and didnt get recognized, but I dont think you would call up Long John Silver if you were assaulted, to come and protect you… and Im pretty sure you wouldnt expect a steel worker from Clairton Works to rescue you from a burning building before the fire department arrived on scene… or how about after you crash your car and you are entrapped in the wreckage, clinging to life by a thread and the only thing that helped you make it through was the Police Officer that arrived on scene before the Fire and EMS and held your hand and talked to you til they could rescue you…

Police Officers rarely get praise from the public when they do something good… Most only see the negativity that the media produces. And not to mention most Police only get paid pennies to do what they do.