Asshole kills 3 police officers

You guys really aren’t getting the differences between every other job, and those in which you willing accept a high degree of risk. If you and your employees knew there was a decent chance of you violently dieing when you get up to work in the morning, then it will be different. Until then, it is not. They stepped up to the plate and took the risk, and got gunned down for it. And we respect them as such. Not to bash you, but you work a fairly normal job, when bad shit happens at that, then its a bad day and your mourned. But you didn’t knowingly walk into an extremely hazardous situation for the service of others. THAT IS THE DIFFERENCE. Read it again, three times, whatever it takes. There’s a major difference there. You sit and think about it you’d walk into the line of fire to help another, and once you come up with and answer then we’ll talk about how people respond to it.