Asshole kills 3 police officers


They did honor those folks, Few weeks ago. Glad to see everyone is “equal”

it’s an absolute shame what happened to those police officers, and i know this has been brought up before, but here’s an example. I’m a landscaper, say me and two of my guys are on a job and get gunned down out of nowhere, there would be no over the top funeral or parade for us. We were doing the job that we get paid to do and boom, our lives ended. Those police officers were doing their job, that was the career they chose. Not to say they didn’t deserve every bit of respect they were given, and i pray that their families are getting all the help that is humanly possible, but had the situation been different, it would have been a much different result. Just my .02

You guys really aren’t getting the differences between every other job, and those in which you willing accept a high degree of risk. If you and your employees knew there was a decent chance of you violently dieing when you get up to work in the morning, then it will be different. Until then, it is not. They stepped up to the plate and took the risk, and got gunned down for it. And we respect them as such. Not to bash you, but you work a fairly normal job, when bad shit happens at that, then its a bad day and your mourned. But you didn’t knowingly walk into an extremely hazardous situation for the service of others. THAT IS THE DIFFERENCE. Read it again, three times, whatever it takes. There’s a major difference there. You sit and think about it you’d walk into the line of fire to help another, and once you come up with and answer then we’ll talk about how people respond to it.

what the fuck do you care? ur not a pittsburgh tax payer. they could have used my money to build a 75 ft statue of each of them if they want… those men deserve our gratitude. the funeral was not over the top. its traditional pomp and circumstance that goes with the job. maybe you should take up with fellow landscapers to have an eleborate protocol for a landscaper that dies cause he took a weedwacker blade to the jugular. seriously thou… most of the ways a landscaper would die duing their job involve an accident… these officers were not in an accident, they were victims of a criminal act!

i think its time this thread was put to rest. the flags are back at full staff… God bless those who protect us regardless if narrow minded asses try to trivialize it and wanna bitch about window tint. Grow the fuck up, man up to traffic violations, vehical codes… these guys gotta deal with the scum of the earth while u bitch and moan about bull shit.

well put !

Landscaping is not a Brotherhood, Law Enforcement is. You wouldnt fully understand it unless you were part of it. The LE community will mourn when a member is lost reguardless of whether the public gets involved or not… i.e. they didnt do this just to make you jealous.

Well put.

Wow…I agree with you on more than one occasion today.

Disagree with everyone and nothing you can do about it :eek:

hahaha… fuckin hardheads in here!