What is with the smiley?
#18988 signed.
I was something like 14995 this morning. Word travels quick. I sent it to everyone in my addy book.
Unreal… the entire Heinz Field parking lot was completely filled with Police cars from all over the country… When the first car reached the Peterson Event Center, the parking lot at Heinz was only 1/3rd of the way empty. Almost every seat was filled at the Event Center and yet it was soo quiet you could hear a pin drop. Truely a sad day, not one person was able to hold back the tears.
Did not attend, but sad to see.
sad to see
The difference between those people and police and firefighters, is they are willing walk into a line of danger. If a garbage man or fisherman knew they were going to die, and could walk away and live, they’d probably pick the latter. Police and Firemen are different because they go towards the danger, knowing fully well the risks.
Did anyone find any good pictures of all the different police cars on the highway or anywhere? The news stations seemed to have good coverage on the actual ceremony part, but they only seemed to cover the caskets and bag pipers for the actual procession. Any video of the police cars and rest of the procession is all blurry or crap quality.
Pictures from the whole event, some moving stuff in there.
So would any officer or firefighter
choose the latter
Both talk about coming home at the end of shift.
Don’t tell me, Who are the people, who put lives at danger. Everyone wants to go home at night.
That is a blanket statement.
Comes down to it, I’d rather be judged by 12 then carried by 6.
Do not perceive, A person by their job. Everyone has dangers.
My office is right in front of Petersen Event Center…it was really moving to see. Wall to wall in blue, dead silent.
i went ahead and assumed no one gave a shit about my commute and slight delay that morning. I signed, 18xxx something
u have said some stupid shit in ur life, but this just might top it
Fuck that! Molotov cocktail that group and let them burn alive at their next protest. Fucking scum bags.
Edit - Signed one of these petitions, Not sure if it was the same one or not.
Police are getting their AR’s
Pittsburgh cops to buy rifles for officers
Monday, April 27, 2009
By Rich Lord, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Pittsburgh police will have the option of carrying rifles in their patrol cars as early as June, bureau leadership said today.
That will bring to fruition a measure that has long been contemplated but gained new urgency with the April 4 slayings of three police officers.
“It’s going to increase our firepower,” said Deputy Chief Paul Donaldson. “We’ll have superior firepower from what we currently have with the option of having the shotgun in the vehicle. It will enable us to engage the assailant from a longer distance.”
The bureau plans to buy 46 Smith & Wesson M & P 15 rifles, which retail for around $1,400. Exact cost information was not available today.
Each of the six zone stations will get six rifles, which can be checked out at the beginning of a shift and then returned at the end. The training academy will get the other 10, which can be brought to the scene of an emergency.
“Training will begin in June. It will be a three-day course. We’ll probably train 10 people at a time,” said Chief Donaldson. The bureau already has three or four instructors certified by Smith & Wesson to train others in the use of the M & P 15, and plans to develop more instructors, he said.
When in the vehicles, the rifles will be kept in $280 locking racks to prevent theft. The bureau expects to spend $30,000 on the locking racks.
Any trained officer who has a rifle of similar specifications will be allowed to bring it on patrol with them, as long as it passes a bureau inspection.
Officers now have the option of checking out a Remington Model 870 shotgun before leaving the zone on patrol, but Chief Donaldson said the rifle "is more accurate. It’s more controlled … And a shotgun is pretty ineffective beyond 50 yards.
“This rifle can engage from a 300 or 400-yard distance.”
Officers have expressed a sense that they were outgunned April 4 in Stanton Heights, when a shooter in a home used an AK-47 to slay officers Eric Kelly, Paul Sciullo II and Stephen Mayhle.
More details in tomorow’s Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.
Rich Lord can be reached at rlord@post-gazette.com or 412-263-1542.
First published on April 27, 2009 at 12:16 pm