Asshole kills 3 police officers

what the fuck do you care? ur not a pittsburgh tax payer. they could have used my money to build a 75 ft statue of each of them if they want… those men deserve our gratitude. the funeral was not over the top. its traditional pomp and circumstance that goes with the job. maybe you should take up with fellow landscapers to have an eleborate protocol for a landscaper that dies cause he took a weedwacker blade to the jugular. seriously thou… most of the ways a landscaper would die duing their job involve an accident… these officers were not in an accident, they were victims of a criminal act!

i think its time this thread was put to rest. the flags are back at full staff… God bless those who protect us regardless if narrow minded asses try to trivialize it and wanna bitch about window tint. Grow the fuck up, man up to traffic violations, vehical codes… these guys gotta deal with the scum of the earth while u bitch and moan about bull shit.