Asshole kills 3 police officers

I have PTSD, and it is not an excuse nor a reason. By definition you can get PTSD from anything traumatic… whether its getting in a car wreck or spending 15 months in a hot ass sandbox and watching 29 of your best friends die infront of your eyes while you shoot back and feel helpless to them while they bleed out in the back of your humvee on the way back to the FOB, hoping they make it… dont speak on shit you dont know… There are enough programs and help out there for those whos lives (including my own) have been severlely impacted by PTSD, and who need the help and counseling to come to terms with what they have lived through… if he was in bad enough shape to a point that he needed therapy, it was there… his decisions are his own, whether you want to blame it on a mental condition, or the fact that he was a soldier at some point, or any number of other stupid uneducated reasons that you can come up with… you should edit your post, and just take out that stupid stupid comment…

RIP to all that were affected by this mans actions