Asshole kills 3 police officers

no they do not… nor the panic attacks or the fact that everytime you hit a pothole your heart jumps out of your chest and your adrenaline surges… sometimes to a point that you pull over… just the fact that your whole life in some way is affected by your decision to do something positive for yourself, your country, your family, and people you dont even know (who thank you by making sarcastic comments about shit they dont kno)… i just got back from #2… we were point and hit a 50gal. drum of HME and the concussion took my knee out… ACL/LCL/PCL/Meniscus all in one swoop… so im being medically “kicked out” if you will… they call it “medically retired” i call it “bullshit i aint done yet” … so bud if you want, ill be out in a few weeks… we should go grab a beer and shoor the shit… let me know in a PM with your # and such

all of it was