Asshole kills 3 police officers

wow i just looked at there website WTF…they are planning to protest wed and thursday.

i just dont understand people

nothing pissed me off more when amswell and i buddy was killed overseas, and these pricks showed up at his funeral…

lucky just as i arrived and before the family did we were able to move the giant fire trucks to baracade and push them back then when they arrived they were no were in site…

i am still very much angerd and bothered by the signs and the mentality of these people and it wasnt just them…it when they had there children out there with signs. ugh this pisses me off…

i know the state of iowa has bassed a bill that you cannot protest with in 500 feet of any funeral. this should be a national law.

i understand the freedom of speech and yes that is what we are fighting for everyday for our freedoms but there comes a time and a place of being human…