it was his Central Catholic education that did this
he went to north catholic smart ass. pay attention to the news before you speak
it was a joke
and yet it still wasnt funny
Thats apparent ^ This is a pointless arguement, nobody will ever win it.
Really? Could’ve fooled me, I was thinking that whichever side gets the federal government to enact their legislation “wins”.
The concept behind the 2nd amendment was not to allow people to own guns for hunting. It was to allow the people to own guns to protect themselves from a tyrannical government. I think that .50 cal rifles are the least they could allow us to own.
Great post- the Second Amendment isn’t about hunting rifles- military rifles are exactly what’s prescribed by it. The very guns in question are the very guns the Second Amendment was supposed to protect.
werd and werd.
Flawless victory.
If three of your co-workers died, City of Pittsburgh will not mourn there deaths.
Word on the street is that the Good Ol’ Westboro Baptist Church is sending a few of their own to protest at these cops’ funerals. That’s all the families need to see right now, a bunch of inbreds with mindless signs.
I am in for an attitude adjustment tour against these Loonies @ Westboro
Shame because her house should have had a fucking tank driven through it.
wow i just looked at there website WTF…they are planning to protest wed and thursday.
i just dont understand people
nothing pissed me off more when amswell and i buddy was killed overseas, and these pricks showed up at his funeral…
lucky just as i arrived and before the family did we were able to move the giant fire trucks to baracade and push them back then when they arrived they were no were in site…
i am still very much angerd and bothered by the signs and the mentality of these people and it wasnt just them…it when they had there children out there with signs. ugh this pisses me off…
i know the state of iowa has bassed a bill that you cannot protest with in 500 feet of any funeral. this should be a national law.
i understand the freedom of speech and yes that is what we are fighting for everyday for our freedoms but there comes a time and a place of being human…
Anyone else think this is not going to end good for these whackos?
COPS IN PITTSBURGH - GOD SENT THE SHOOTER!Yes! Here is the roster of the damned: Paul J. Sciullo II; Eric Kelly; Stephen J.
Mayhle. These three stand in the shoes of all officers in DOOMED america. They each
took an oath, and swore to obey the law and keep the peace as Westboro Baptist Church
members faithfully, peacefully and lawfully exercise their First Amendment rights.
Instead of upholding that oath, they turn a blind eye to the laws, to the criminals who
assault and batter AND routinely engage in unlawful conduct themselves. They not only
violate the oaths of man, but ignore these plain words from God Almighty, to wit:
Luke 3:14 And the soldiers likewise demanded ofhim, saying, Andwhat shall we do?And
he said unto them, Do violence to no man, neither accuse anyfalsely; and be content with
your wages.
This will be an educational religious picket, with a message for the living at the following
scheduled locations:
Immaculate Conception-St. Joseph Church
4712 Liberty Ave
Pittsburgh, PA
Wednesday, April 8,2009 at 10:45am
City-County Building
414 Grant Street
Pittsburgh, PA
Wednesday, April 8, 2009 at 2:00pm
University of Pittsburgh, Peterson Event Center
3719 Terrace Street
Pittsburgh, PA
Thursday, April 9, 2009 at 12:00pm
John Lefdahl Funeral Home
989 Old Route 119 Highway North
Indiana, PA
Saturday, April 11 , 2009 at 10:15amGod hates fags and *** enablersl Romans 1:19-32.
Fear God; give him the glory; come out from among the doomed-american filthy manner of life; be
not a partaker of their sinsl 1Timothy 5:22.
i hope one of them gets shot and dies… send THAT shooter from god! fucking assholes… i hate ppl like this
there is no need for conservative to always worry about guns rights…
if you have a gun you can rob a bank
if you have a bank you can rob everyone!
I wonder if there are any Patriot Guard riders in the area and would show up for the police (they usually show up and block out the protesters at the funerals of fallen soldiers), there is a PA PGR State Captain, I’m thinking about contacting him.
Richard E. Marcks, II
im sure they are aware and will be there…the protesters will be convetiently pushed to a spot where they will be out of site out of mind…i hope
I still don’t understand why the shooter was allowed to leave the house in anything other than a bodybag. Now we have to pay for this idiot to rot in jail.
Well, despite your ignorance, no matter the level of guilt that all of us presume he has, he has the same basic human rights as anyone else. And despite the fact that you feel he may deserve to be shot, by doing so the cops are simply lowering themselves to his level.
I’d rather his ass rot in that jail cell. He wants to die. Make him suffer, make him pay for the crimes he’s committed. I think death would be an easy way out for the guy.
I’d rather his ass rot in that jail cell. He wants to die. Make him suffer, make him pay for the crimes he’s committed. I think death would be an easy way out for the guy.[/QUOTE]
If he wanted to die why was he wearing a bulletproof vest?
he surrendered and said i’m shot you have to come help me. i’d shoot him and his fucken drunk ass mom. anyone see that bitch on the news…and his fucken grandma. fuck ur stupid licence and credit cards.
the sniperacross the street was one of the best in the country. won some competition for sharp shooting out of a helicopter. he couldnt get a shot cause the punk was laying on the floor talkin to negotiators…the only negotiating i would have done woulda been “where do you want the bullet”
should have drove that swat tank truck right through the house.