Asshole kills 3 police officers


The concept behind the 2nd amendment was not to allow people to own guns for hunting. It was to allow the people to own guns to protect themselves from a tyrannical government. I think that .50 cal rifles are the least they could allow us to own.

For every asshole that uses their gun the wrong way, there are 11ty billion that use it the right way.

im not a big gun person, my whole family really is against them. But I like goin out to the gamelands shooting some targets or skeet shooting etc. There’s still no need to be selling AR’s at a sporting goods store for “personal protection”. Maybe what I’m trying to say is they’re too readily available to the general public and (this might piss some people off) former military servicemen that are now civilians who think they are still entitled to own military grade weapons/munitions.

crimnals are gonna get guns. it may be from dunhams it may be from mexico. our culture breeds these people…thats the problem…not guns.

Your ignorance on the subject is shining through. Do you know what type of load an AR-15 shoots? .223 Its one of the most popular calibers out there for hunting. Do you know what MOST people use it to hunt? Groundhogs and other varmints. And kids/women sometimes use it to hunt deer since it has hardly any recoil. It’s pretty much the pussiest load of all centerfire loads, besides maybe the 22-250.

Just because it’s black and looks like an M-16 doesnt make it any more dangerous than any other gun. In fact, a standard 12 ga. autoloader with slugs or buckshot is FAR more dangerous a weapon than an AR.

I use my AR15 and AK47 to target shoot at the state game lands… purchased for no other good reason then they were fun good looking rifles.

Am I a bad person mr berad? :frowning:

You’re right, I don’t know a lot about guns. But what’s wrong with a bolt action 30-06 for deer? Im not implying color means anything. And .22’s work fine for varmints. It must be the whole mentality of empowerment I guess.

I don’t know you. It’s possible. :slight_smile:

correctamundo. Restricting the sale of guns to law abiding citizens keeps guns out of the hands of… you guessed it… law abiding citizens. Are we going to ban cars because one out of 100 gets drunk and drives it around? Are we going to ban alcohol because one out of 100 turns into an alkie and ruins their life? Are we going to ban cigarettes? fatty foods?

According to 2005 data, gun deaths were around 28,000 people, including gang violence, accidental discharge (700 of that 28,000), self-defense, and criminals killed by police.

Diabetes killed 70,000 people. The flu - 65,000. Lets ban sugar and talking to other people in person!

Another interesting fact: if you add up all of the deaths from knives, blunt objects, and “other” ways, it actually outnumbers guns.

Ask the UK how that’s working out…only the criminals have guns

Technically, you can still get an AR15 (or modify an existing AR15) to fire 7.62 rounds still as well. Plus, some AR15’s, if they are of high enough grade, can fire both the .223 and 5.56 NATO rounds since the exterior casement of the bullet is almost identical but the punch that each bullet has is different.

And, to simplify things a little bit for the non-gun people, an AR15 is just an M16 without the ability for automatic fire.

Your forgetting the deadliest killer of them all. Your G.O.V. What do you do about them?

Hmm this argument is retarded… actually sounds similar to the views of the kid responsible for this incident.

2nd amendment is good, However; I dont see the any good coming from assault rifles being available to the general public.

On the other hand, as stated earlier, if a criminal want to get a gun, they will get a gun… and any gun is equally just as deadly in the wrong hands.

a killer will kill with anything. gun,knife, bomb, car…it dont matter.

Thankfully we don’t have to rely on you to see the good from it; The founding fathers took care of that ahead of time!


Guns don’t kill people. People kill people.
Ever see a gun walking around ?

Thats apparent ^ This is a pointless arguement, nobody will ever win it.

so my dad talked to his friend that works at zone 5…that piece of shits mom had the nerve to complain about the damage to her fuckin house and them punching her son in the face. this bitch is an acomplice. officer kelly was shot as soon as he got out of his vehical and had a gun battle with this clown for 55 minutes before he sucumbed to his injuries. his ak was fully auto also. i hope he and his mom get what they deserve. The sad thing is…there is scum like this in every neighborhood and every suburb in this area. we all know several people off the top of our heads… it time we out these clowns.

Fun to read, though.

Yes sir it is. Monday morning quarterbacks.