Asshole kills 3 police officers

Me too.

I hope that someone goes all Blues Brothers and tries to run the motherfuckers over.

Christians. I HATE Westboro Christians!


the competition was called top sniper on the military channel

he scored 4 or 3 shots i believe… it was from a moving helicopter…the pittsbugh pd sniper team was the only team to score any points in that round of the competition. he was up against all sniper teams from all of the braches of military and some from other country.

dont forget to waer blue tommorrow

im just wondering this whole bs i hear about the 911 operator did not tell the police about the guns…

the news is saying the mother told the 911 about the guns but the operator failed to report that to the officers…

that would of changed there hole outlook on how they approached the house…

Assault rifle has become a bad label, but it is a silly label as many guns that look like typical rifles use the same round(s) as the so-called assault rifts. It similar to some cars considered sports cars that really are not due to pure looks.

Limited guns would put you and your loved ones in danger from criminals, since you would have to wait for the police to come and save your sorry ass. The problem with this concept of banning weapons is THAT THE POLICE DO NOT HAVE TO SAVE YOU:

“The Supreme Court ruled that the police did not have a constitutional duty to protect a person from harm.” Thank you fucked up Supreme Court! So depending on a group that might feel like saving and will be late ain’t brightest way to go through life.

call me ignorant if you want but the moment you take someone else’s life, you no longer possess the basic rights as a human being. That lowlife does not care about the crime he committed and will not suffer like a normal person would. He will go to jail and be a hero because he killed some cops, he should not have that chance. He should be planted in the ground already.

fuck whether he suffers more one way or the other. just wax the motherfucker and move on with life. a bullet is a lot cheaper than keeping that piece of shit in lockup for the next 60 years.

If you want it to be that cut and dry, then anyone that would of taken his life would then no longer have basic human rights. If you want to paint with a wide brush, then that’s fine. I’d rather say that everyone deserves basic human rights, whether you are the most disgusting human being on the planet or the pope.

But if anyone that takes a human life no longer possesses basic human rights, then thats fine. But you can’t just pick and choose.

Why is the city mourning ???

They did not mourn, The lives of every decent citizen killed.
The garbage workers. The pedestrians killed. The convention center worker killed. Etc…

Sad to hear of anyone killed on the job. Let’s be realistic. No reason to favor anyone because of what they do for a living.

thanx for punching in today!

i agree 100% with this too shag. yeah it sucks that they died. but why are police and firefighters on such a higher pedistol. a 24 year old died down on 2nd ave working last year… no parade there. why not? he died on the job. there was the garbage men that died on the job like shaggy said.

because we crunch numbers and do paperwork for a living while these guys put their lives on the line everyday.


I’d rather say that everyone deserves basic human rights, whether you are the most disgusting human being on the planet or the pope.

Who’s to say that those are not one and the same?

But if anyone that takes a human life no longer possesses basic human rights, then thats fine. But you can’t just pick and choose.

In case you didnt notice, we do sort of do that. I think we call it the police and the justice system.

alot of iron workers put their ass on the line everyday. alot with the sheet metal workers and hell the bus drivers probably risk it more along with 7-11 and gas statioin attendants thats a pretty scary job. how bout the fishermen that do one of th emost dangerous jobs out there.

least valid comparison EVER.

Oh thats cool. I didn’t know fishermen get shot at on a daily basis. Thanks for enlightening me. They’re out there everyday to serve and protect me and you, not to make a ton of money for themselves. Two totally different worlds you’re trying to relate here.

how everyone there puts their lives on the line everyday

lol beat me to it.

I’m not going to argue this with you. You’ve shown flashes of brief intelligence from time to time, so I know you’ll be able to figure out the difference.

I drove past Winters funeral home last night where the officer from Bloomfield was laid out, if those wackos from the WBC think they are going to show up and picket, if today looks anything like what I saw last night they are in for a world of hurt. Had to be at least 100+ uniformed officers outside and a line around the building and down liberty ave to get in.