At work crew sign-in v.ShittyWeatherOutside

We didn’t get that much snow yesterday, but got a shit load overnight here, then came the freezing rain, and now it is freezing outside.

Yeah, i worked from home today… Good ole VPN![/quote]

I have VPN too and do Remote Desktop at times but I wasn’t given any
word not to come in. I e-mailed before I left but got no response; phoned
and then came to work anyways.

Meh, almost time to go home…

haha…damn…the whole day i thought it was christmas eve!!!

i feel like a dumbass i even got in a fight with my parent saying that it is today.

oh well i guess i have to wait longer to open the presents under the tree :cry:

Meh my drive was pretty much fine. Got stuck pulling out my driveway onto the road both unplowed or shoveled. Couldn’t go forward cause of the weight shift but I was able to got backwards. I drove in reverse almost my whole nabrohood. Time i got to the main street in my nabrohood where people already driving on. THe freezing rain didn’t affected me much all of us in the shop just brought our cars inside and let it melt off.

Don’t worry a friend of mine said the same thing to me yesterday, I told him he was a dumbass then he just agreed with me… :twisted:

Yeah, i worked from home today… Good ole VPN![/quote]

I have VPN too and do Remote Desktop at times but I wasn’t given any
word not to come in. I e-mailed before I left but got no response; phoned
and then came to work anyways.

Meh, almost time to go home…[/quote]

Haha – Luckily for me… I give the word.

It suck all you guys had to work yesterday. I was done on Wed. and only worked 4 hour of my 8 hour shift because we ran out of parts!! :smiley:

I got to work faster thern usual yesterday. On the radio and on the TV they were warning everyone to stay off the 401 so when I got on the 401 east bound from Islington Ave. all the way to dufferin there was like no one on the 401 usually around 10am I get stuck in traffic yesterday I made it to work faster then usual!

I figured everyone would leave their house early in weather such as this so I figured I leave a little later then usual.

And I only got to work maybe 10-15min late. Had I left on time I would
have made it on time. Oh well…