At work crew sign-in v.ShittyWeatherOutside


Surprisingly, the drive from Brampton to Bolton wasn’t as bad as I expected.

Infact, it was way worse driving through Brampton then it was heading
into Caledon/Bolton. I live at Hwy 10 and Steeles and it’s a pretty busy area.

BTW, I was driving my dad’s 98 Ford Contour, and it drove fine. :ugh:

Car: Pontiac Bonneville - beater


1 hour to shovel driveway in the morning
1.5 hours to get to work, normally takes 1/2 hour

You suck at shoveling snow. Go to the gym already. :stuck_out_tongue:

Took me 10min to shovel my snow
1hr-5min to get to work. Normally 40min. It’s 38KM away. Then again,
I’m going agasint all the traffic so I pretty much have an open road every

Screw shoveling, i plowed my 240 back right through it, onto the unplowed road and slid sideways down the street until i finally got my traction back. Slid around every turn until i goto burnhampthorpe, which wasn’t plowed, got onto the unplowed 427 north, got off at the unplowed 401 west, took the kinda plowed 410north, till i got off at the unplowed queen st, and eventually got to work, the parking lot was empty so i slid around, parked at went to work 45min late. I’m impressed with the acceleration my 240 had.

so anyways, normally takes 25min, took 75min.

it must suck working on Christam eve!



It’s not Christmas Eve yet :slap:

And I don’t work on X-mas eve (or New Years Eve).



and then shoveled my parking lot… by hand!


good thing its the 23rd …

i’m done work pretty much after today, i just go and clean up next wed.

i wish i could work to work Greg.

I got to work on time. Good old TTC subway. Although I got my damn feet wet on the way to the station. None of the roads or sidewalks were shuvled at 7am :x My boots didn’t help…


My trip was exactly the same as Racer180sx’s (not the route)…

I have Christmas Eve & day off, but in the past 8 days i’ve worked exactly 100 hours, at one job too. :slight_smile: My overtime pay will be ridiculous. :santa:

And no better time than now to put testosterone to the rear wheels!!

When I got into the office today I got screwed over by some system fuk up, so now I get to work late, late into xmas eve, probably won’t get out of work until like 9pm ish tomorrow…

And I still haven’t finished my xmas shopping.

G, I have a double driveway and my street was plowed, I had a good metre (high) of snow at the bottom of my driveway.

FWD = teh sux.

I’m lucky enough to be able to “work from home”… so I just roled over and went back to bed.

caming from markham to mel lastman square…takes about 30-45 min, took 1.5 hours this morning… Grrr…

but i love my snow tires. no problems getting out today, zoomed around, etc.

Late, but fun.

I just shoveled enough snow to get my car out the driveway. Should be
fun going back home this evening.

Well, looks like it’s gonna be another White Christmas (or is it - I forget if
last year was).

omg we got tones of snow here in kdubs :frowning:

1hr to shovel
im working @ 11pm tonight, so roads should be alright

oh yeah and im working xmas eve, xmas, and boxing day (nights)
also im working NYE too … .


but i guess that is what i get for being a noob @ both my jobs

No that’s what you get for being a public servant. Which isn’t a bad thing.

I’m a noob at my place , which is why I have to come in on 28th and 29th.
The seniors only come in for one day after x-mas and before nye

Man it’s 3pm and I feel like sneaking out. Just me and this one dude in my office.

I just checked my car, it’s completely covered in more than 1cm of ice, my car is frozen solid… :x

This morning, before I left, I threw the garden shovel in the trunk. I have
one of those shitty plastic window scrapers. Worst case, I’ll pull the
shovel out. :shock:

Yeah, i worked from home today… Good ole VPN!

I guess that Kingston is lucky. We got so much rain from early in the morning that it melted all the snow from yesterday.