ATTN: JayS - Found Your T-Shirt

I <3 the word broads. can also be substituted with dames. I kid anyway if you remember i made a cool motivational poster for women in car forums. If they want to add to the forum fine but OT is fair game IMO.


Or it could be that you call them broads.

Or maybe it’s the leg humping.

Or maybe, just maybe, it’s the fact that the majority of car enthusiasts are male.


You and your silly logic.

Or maybe it’s that I personally hate anyone who stuck up for Loose Change, and when I see them post I will point out how incredibly retarded they are.

hahahah that was a crap fest


Or maybe it’s that I personally hate anyone who stuck up for Loose Change, and when I see them post I will point out how incredibly retarded they are.


Say it with me: Goosfraba. Goosfraba.


Say it with me: Goosfraba. Goosfraba.



I still see dumb people.

lol it happens

oh, you guys… Hehehhe…


Or maybe it’s that I personally hate anyone who stuck up for Loose Change, and when I see them post I will point out how incredibly retarded they are.


Um… I didn’t stick up for loose change. I did the opposite.

From that thread:

[quote=“Calico Angel,post:28,topic:32860"”]

I am adamantly against the Bush administration and the war. But I am not stupid enough to believe that 9/11 was orchestrated by the government, and that they killed thousands of Americans to cause a war. I know a lot of peace activists and very few of them believe that this BS is credible.


Stop looking for someone to e-fight with.



I still see dumb people.


what do we see when we look @ you?


what do we see when we look @ you?


Less bickering, more funny t-shirts.
I met some jackass that actually has this one:
I’m tempted to throw a party at my house just to wear this shirt:

Hey, I have one of those… Oh yeah, because I rule!

Is that a NASCAR tat? that is HOTT

People listen to me there is no such thing as gobal warming. you want proof in the seventies what where we worried about gobal cooling. it is just another way for the democrat party to get their hands into all of our back pockets and take money out! as a mostly studious listener of rush he points out that it is water vapor in the air that has been happening seince the dawn of time! so if you want the truth don’t ask a democrat please they just want the green in your back pocket. please don’t pm me your discust! o and al gore is a bad boy he preaches to the quare one thing and does the exact oppsite!

^Did you just vomit on your keyboard?


as a mostly studious listener of rush



billy is a good dude but lacks typing skills now im doubting his political knowledge too.


billy is a good dude but lacks typing skills now im doubting his political knowledge too.


hey rob if there was gobal warming then the human race would have been killed off by now! it is ture that i am a conservitive. and that i don’t believe that there is such a thing as global warming and when this whole thing comes crashing down on the democrats then i will laugh!


hey rob if there was gobal warming then the human race would have been killed off by now! it is ture that i am a conservitive. and that i don’t believe that there is such a thing as global warming and when this whole thing comes crashing down on the democrats then i will laugh!


Ummm. You do realize that the cause for concern on global warming revolves around the use of previously stored carbon, which results in increased C02 levels in the atmosphere, which may cause in higher global average temperatures.

So global warming would’ve become an issue only recently with the industrialization.