attn: tailgaters.

Apparently, my brembo’s really tend to scare people when they tailgate me. And if that doesnt work, I get out of the car :slight_smile:

Tailgaters are not the problem. Women who think they can drive are. Shouldn’t you all be barefoot and pregnant somewhere?


Apparently, my brembo’s really tend to scare people when they tailgate me. And if that doesnt work, I get out of the car :slight_smile:


ghostride the whip?

kind of on the subject of pedestrian tailgating, next time you’re waiting in line, when everyone in front of you moves forward, don’t move. everyone behind you tries to move and they all just bunch up. It’s great.

I always use this to entertain myself at the bank, however, it usually only works once per trip.


kind of on the subject of pedestrian tailgating, next time you’re waiting in line, when everyone in front of you moves forward, don’t move. everyone behind you tries to move and they all just bunch up. It’s great.

I always use this to entertain myself at the bank, however, it usually only works once per trip.


Works well at the airport too. F’ing with people is great!


Works well at the airport too. F’ing with people is great!


haha, at the airport, there is also a lot more sense of urgency. Despite the fact that moving forward in line is not actually going to get you to your gate any sooner, people fail to comprehend this.

Not moving foward in line… ahh, seems all too familiar. That was the same situation that had the cops called on me at the car wash :smiley:


If you are going 70 in the left lane and someone is tailgating you, GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY you are going too slow.

I hate driving on the 90E because of this, its a 65, people are going 70 in the left lane and wont get out of the way to let faster traffic pass


Not moving foward in line… ahh, seems all too familiar. That was the same situation that had the cops called on me at the car wash :smiley:



go one…

edit: on

Long story short, marnie (MXS) and I were in line at the car wash, it is a 2 lane wash. I was up as far as i could go, but marnie had a spot she could have moved forward to. She decided to stay next to me, so we could chat. This lady got mad, and then went IN the emergency exit, cutting her off. If she would have waited, it would have been no longer of a wait…

From here, I went into angry italian mode, and got up to the lady and said “uhh, you just cut my friend in line…”. Her response “she should have pulled up, tough shit!”.

From here, I managed to say some choice words, none of which i’m going to admit to on the internet. She rolled up her window, and pulled out her cell phone. After that, when I was in the car wash, my radar detector went off. After her blocking me in, the garage door almost coming on me, and me yelling “you couldnt afford to fix this car if the door hits it, get the fuck out of my way”, we went over ot the next parking lot, the cops tried to shake me down, I was a jerk back to them. If you ask why would I be a jerk to the cops, the answer is simple. It was retarded, and at the best case for her, its hear-say. I was not going to get in trouble, simple as that, so I might as well have fun with it.

After the cops threatening me for like 10 minutes or so, they said “get out of here”, and kept her back for further questioning.

And… my STi was super shiny :smiley:


hmm, that’s pretty ridiculous…

this is like the third post you made about fighting i’ve read today though…

are you sure you don’t want a camaro?


hmm, that’s pretty ridiculous…

this is like the third post you made about fighting i’ve read today though…

are you sure you don’t want a camaro?


hahaha, a V6! And seriously newman, i’m no bigger then you are. Its just luck of the draw that the three posts I replied to today involved fighting :frowning:

I thought this was going to be about Bills tailgating


ghostride the whip?




i love to tailgate…bottom line GET OUT OF MY FUCKING WAY…pull off to the side of the road i dont care what you do just get out of my way!!!



tailgating is one of the reasons why i have a pneumatic actuated paintball gun mounted to the undercarraige of my jeep.



tailgating is one of the reasons why i have a pneumatic actuated paintball gun mounted to the undercarraige of my jeep.


Dildo cannon! (just like the one they found in iraq)

I once saw a chick with a bumper sticker that read “If you’re going to ride my ass at least pull my hair.”

You need that.



tailgating is one of the reasons why i have a pneumatic actuated paintball gun mounted to the undercarraige of my jeep.


Fuck. If it were anyone else I’d call BS, but you actually do don’t you?


Tailgaters are not the problem. Women who think they can drive are. Shouldn’t you all be barefoot and pregnant somewhere?


Not “somewhere.” In the kitchen.

LOL @ the “if you’re going to ride my ass, at last pull my hair” bumper sticker :smiley:

I don’t care if you’re going 120mph. If your not passing someone at that very moment… GTFO of the left lane you inconsiderate fuck!

few yrs ago when i was using a company truck… some bitch was tailgaiting me down indian church road, i was already doing 10 over, so i gave 2 warning taps and then SLAMMED on the brakes, she flew off the road cause she had to swerve to avoid hitting me. needless to say, she didn’t tail me anymore