attn: tailgaters.

i yell at people. my brother is really good at insulting people, i usually let him do the yelling if he is with me.

we once got this lady so mad at us she was shaking, frankie used some choice words and the lady flipped her lid. she tried to run us down, but couldnt keep up with my car. good times

I always say that in any car if someone is in the car with me, just remember guys you saw the deer too :eekdance:

However, I’ve never actually had someone rear end me due to it, I did however spike the brakes and the guy swerved around me retardly when it was a passing zone.

I tailgate only when I try to get the point across to speed up or gtf out of the way. When theres a passing zone or speeds over 40, I have the patientce to cope.

I was on a 2 lane highway. (Rt.20). Bitch was just riding my ass because I think she thought that’s how you drive or something. Probably wasn’t even paying attention.

She was way too close for me to even tap my brakes at all. It was nerve-wrecking.

Fucking slut.

i agree women are shitty drivers.

i agree. +1

lol. i can name a few who aren’t though

just think… if she was Asian she would have hit you 3 miles ago.

damn… i wish she was Asian sigh


Either way, next time just drop the brakes. As long as she doesn’t run she is following too closely/not in control of her vehicle and you get free work.

wow, i think all of you need some sort of counseling. If your slamming your breaks and intentionally causing an accident I believe thats called insurance fraud. If your slamming your breaks to intentionally hurt someone cause of tailgating i believe thats some sort of intent and im sure its punishable by jail time.

Im wondering exactly how many of you are even old enough to drive, by the sounds of it not many. Because i mature person/driver knows how to control there emotions, especially behind the wheel.

Keep raisin those insurance rates. :tup:

If someone’s tailgating me and there’s clearly room to pass I have fun with it, seeing how slow I can get their oblivious ass to go before it dawns on them that there might be another option. I had some dumb broad down to 20 on Sheridan the other night. :smiley:

Oh I would never do it at like 60mph + but def the occasional brake attention grabber works wonders for idiots. Plus theres no way to prove you intentionally did it as bad as that sounds.

I like doing that, especially on the highway when your in the right lane doing like 70, there is always that douchebag who has the cruise set and won’t pass and rides your ass for 20 miles. I like to slow down to see how long til they pass and give you the finger.

I love doin that too ^^^, got a guy in a MOOstang down to 15, i saw him banging his fists :slight_smile:

The best is the “WTF ARE YOU DOING” response, if you have to ask what it is then you obviously have never seen it haha.

aggressive driving for the win…

Yeah. i don’t know. whatever i do, i try to:

  1. make sure that i get to my destination without getting in a conflict with another driver

  2. get there in one fucking piece

you all need to grow up. you will eventually regret this ‘teach someone a lesson’ attitude, for some reason or another. pull over and let them by if you can. makes my life easier.

What happens when “I can’t pull over any further, I’m already pulled over” occurs? Littering and…

liter cola?

Who want a moustache ride?

And so another thread gets claimed by the greatest movie of all time.


It’s unavoidable.


attn: dumbcunts

get the fuck out of the way