auto door locking when brakes applied

when i step on the brakes on my 91 240sx the doors auto lock. i had an auto 91 240sx and it didnt do this… i hate it.
anyone looked into this and found a quick fix to disable this?

id say you have a short some were. look at your brake switch circuit, some wires probably have rubed throught the insulation and is feeding current into your door locks when ever you step on the brakes. are you blowing any fuses?

i duno man i think its a retarded factory option. when i start the car and start driving as soon as i hit the brakes the doors automaticly lock… then as soon as i shut the car off the doorlocks automaticly open up.
and the actuayor on the pass side is sticking so sometimes i cant get the damn door open.

i think im just going to disable the power locks all together. my car is a pos and i dont even lock the doors anyways haha

thats weird, i’ve never heard of that feature for a 240sx… did your car have an alarm wired in? its probably a feature of the alarm if you have one

thats odd, i just assumed it was factory, as pretty much all newer cars do this these days. but yeah my car does have an alarm/starter (which doesnt work) hmm

I actually want to enable this feature on my 180SX. It’s supposed to have this feature, but I can’t remember where I heard this from.

I heard that the auto lock should be speed activated though, like after you drive over 10 km/h they lock… I’ve take my door panels off to make some tweaks on other things, but didn’t see any extra electronic boxes or anything that might enable auto-locking doors.

yeah i guess its not that bad of a feature, unfortunately my pass side door lock sometimes sticks so sometimes when i got someone with me they cant get out because the stupid door locked itself and the lock gets stuck locked sometimes :oops:

yeah its definitely the non-working alarm locking your doors. unplug that bastard and see if it still does it.