Auto X: SCCA Solo II 9/14/08

True dat.

Definitely get there early if you’re not sure what class you’re in, what you’re supposed to do, etc. Someone will help you thru it all, like this friendly club member:

:rofl Yep, that’s that SCCA spirit!

Though new here, I feel that I should point out that ‘lightweight’ hoods put you in SM. AKA "the class for those that mod their cars then look at the rules.

It’s worth it to go just for fun.

Yea…not a good idea to tell the tech inspector your car is fuct up. :crackup Thanks for telling me though.

Nissan loves to share parts among the model line. That looks like the rear hub assembly on the old 510 and the 240 sx , so… it is probably the same one as on his Z31 300

Well Im not going to the SCCA event, I dont have 40 dollars to blow, i may go to the RPI one though…

Just bought all my turbo parts, not much money left over ;D

And regarding my lug nut, Rotors dont just come off… there part of the hub, Id need to repack the wheel bearing too, its just a pain in the balls, and im too lazy

Its not fucked up, all you need is 4 out of 5 lugs, part of my weight redection haha

want to let me pass with shaved door handles?

Yea…that was kind of a retarded statement. Try not eating a meal that day.


Bring the SENTRA FOO!

the the question becomes, want to pass me with a leaky valve cover gasket?

As long as it doesnt puddle on the ground, hell yes.

so…whos towing me home? no puddles, a couple drips though.

one last bump? prolly a little late. see you all there tomorrow

You guys really running in the rain? I’m debating, but if so I’ll be coming with a few RPI guys because we didn’t wanna run in the rain for our own autocross.

Yup, SCCA runs rain or shine. It was drizzling at the last one, it was still a blast. You should come at the very least just to hang out. What car will you be in? I’m sure I’ll be the only Altima there so I shouldn’t be hard to miss :haha

Dont you make me break out the waaahmbulence.

Are you coming tomorrow (well, today now…)

I usually show up hung over around noon but I’m getting to bed early tonight so it may be closer to 11.