Auto X: SCCA Solo II 9/14/08

Come on down! If nothing else, I’m really looking forward to seeing 1stgen’s car on steamroller-sized tires/wheels! That thing better actually hook up now…

Yea I’ll be there, hosing my 97 LS Integra (silver) on the track. I do want to see how these tires handle at the limit in the rain/wet weather.

Alright, Auto X today was an epic success, it didn’t rain a single drop when the races were going on and after the first two heats the track was completely dry. I probably took 25% of the tread off of my $200/pc Dunlops, but I could care less it was so much fun :lol

Lyndon- didn’t know you were on here! Nice seeing you again today!

I’ll edit this post with a video of one of my runs later tonight. (not my best run of the day and CERTAINLY not the best quality, but it will give n00bs an idea of how tight the courses are).

Last but not least, me and my friend Rami had a friendly bet of $15 on who would have the best time, I had a 42.8xx in my 3200, FWD, LSD-lacking land yacht with a few suspension goodies (front/rear shocks/struts and springs, rear SB endlinks and a FSTB) and he’s got a 1986 MK1 MR2 with 4 brand new shocks…he ran a 47.6xx :haha

Discuss? ;D

Trash talk:

I love the shh smiley :lol, nice post :lol

Good to meet you, Ryan.

…and hook it did.

That’s from :lol

Why am I on there you might ask?? :ninja

Likewise :nod

And what is your suspension setup on the E46 M3? Appears to be coilovers because I don’t know of any springs that lower the front that much, unless it’s the Tein S-Techs, which I’m sure you’re too smart to buy (lower spring rate than OEM, but a 2" drop :nuts :idiots).

alright alright kramer i ran a 47.1 and it was my first auto-x i know i did bad seeing how everyone there told me i should be running a 40 or lower there was a couple probs though on my car 10 year old pepboy tires one was 195 in the back while the rest were 185 not to mention i didnt have the suspension adjusted right i know its no excuse even though u have more experience but if you really think ur car can outhandle mine then meet me tomorow at 710 at stewarts and we’ll take the back roads were i actually have experience but u did beat me in auto-x i’ll give u that

It’s the Eibachs that are designed to be run with the stock shocks. They actually behave pretty well in transitions so I’m happy.

If your cars not auto x ready, dont go. i didnt go because my new tires havent come yet. i would have sliding all over the track
im not bashing, im just saying in general.


The only reason I’m being a semi- d-bag is that I was the first person to tell you that your tires SUCKED, I was the first person to tell you that they were 10 years old and told you that I had more experience and you listened to everything I said and still said “none of that matters, i’ll still smoke you.”

Quit making excuses that you lost by 5 seconds to a Nissan Altima (by comparison, Byron’s ridiculously fast STi beat me by a little over 4 seconds, just so all you people at home can understand how much time 5 seconds actually is ;D) and admit you need some serious driver mods and maybe you can get some of your dignity back. You were talking shit for 1-2 months and I finally got the chance to shut you up.

I don’t know why you keep mentioning that everyone said your car should run 40.0, that only adds to how poorly you drove your car. I’ve been saying since like July that if you got better tires and new shocks your car would out-handle mine, it’s your driving skills that will limit you, and I clearly was right.

And no, I’m not going to race you on the street, I’ve got nothing to prove, only you do. Better luck next year, and look into getting Tom to be your full-time driving coach ;D

yeah and also CRSX, why are you on there :confused :wtf

and why would Kramer race on a back road where he could 1.) crash and wreck his car 2.) crash and possibly kill himself or 3.) you both wreck and get fucked…you lost he PWNED you end of story. ;D

I was on CRSX since last year because I was originally planning on getting a Type-S and still lurk there occasionally, their off-topic forums are absolutely hilarious.

I’m on S2KI because the week I pay off my land yacht I’m selling it and getting a 2001 Monte Carlo Blue S2000 (or Grand Prix White, if I can find one). It’ll be about 3 years though ::slight_smile: ;D

…and plans will change by then

prolly, but it’s something to look forward to to keep me motivated in work/school. I like to set goals for myself.

And no, I’m not going to race you on the street, I’ve got nothing to prove, only you do.

K so your gonna back down huh i understand so u can gloat bout it all the time if not then meet me at 710 and dont be a puss all of a sudden

Quoted for epic stupidity. There’s no timer on the skr33tz, you’d say you “smoked me” and I’d say I “smoked you” and the only thing we’d get out of it is losing tread off our tires, gas out of our tanks and potentially getting caught/hurt.

Real mature, you lose by 4.3 seconds in a REAL form of racing and want to race me on the streets the next day, still talking shit :lmao :lmao

Just drag race on the street so you don’t hit a deer at night going around a back road…

kramer shut up ur being the douche right now and u dont need a timer all im sayin is that u should try to keep up with me and u drive like an ass everyday to school so gas is not a prob

He’s being smart, racing on windy roads where there are trees, ditches, and other cars is just plain stupid. Keep it at a sanctioned event where people time you, if you fuck up the worse you will do is run over a cone. Racing on the street and a closed track/layout are 2 different things.

Again, just a waste of tire tread and gas. I ran the time in my sig, bone stock, and will not modify the engine, it’s just not worth it. It would take me probably $2,000 + just to get to like a 13.8 @ 105 or something, completely not worth it. He already ran a 16.5 @ 88 or something like that, and I’m sure he’ll come on here promising high 12’s by the end of next year, more power to him if he does end up beating me, but I could care less, my engine is bone stock for a reason, 1/4 mile isn’t my thannng.

Rami, I haven’t driven like an ass since my August 3rd ticket. I learned from my mistake, hence selling my go-fast-in-a-straight-line parts and selling my radar detector.

You’re looking for any excuse possible to avoid the fact that you need to improve your driving skills.