Auto X: SCCA Solo II 9/14/08

And there is a differance between racing and keeping up

you should know somthing about that :crackup

Oh be quiet kramer all you were talking about the past 1-2 months was getting your times in the low 13’s :tong

I put your clutch in, i can take that shit right back out :nana

your right, your tools are still stuck in my car.

hahaha I know, that was before my 2nd Auto X though when I officially got hooked. The Porsche 914 there today that run’s 17’s all night had a time about .3 seconds faster than mine, that just proves how much straight-line speed affects Auto X :lol

And Jeff what is up with your sig, that shit gets goofier by the hour :lol “stop that” :lmao :lmao


Altima SER≤WRX>MR2

WRX>* :ninja


WAYYYY to early in the school year to use my brain enough to comprehend that :lmao

Your school has some slow cars.

Very true. I’ve got the fastest, ruling out this one rich kid with a 750Li :lmao

Ahhh Frankie…that’s mahh duudeeee! So he’s got the fastest eh?

Truthfully, I don’t know how fast those cars actually are, I bet high 13’s though. As of the end of this season at LVD I’ve got the fastest, but crazywrx should be running this Wednesday with high hopes so I dunno how long the insanely fast record of 14.5 is going to last, under perfect conditions/launch he SHOULD be a 13.7-ish, but, then again, Rami SHOULD have beaten me today, so we’ll see ;D .

SHOULD OF, Could of, Wouldnt of.

:lol How do you know that guido?

Good to see a couple of you guys there- rain definitely was not a big deal, as it was nice and dry by the beginning of the second heat…

…hook it did is right! Broken parts at an autocross just plain suck. On the other hand, he did end up helping me verify that my tires are definitely crap now. Can’t complain really, that set of v710’s are over a year old. Now I just have more motivation to pick up the wider outer rim halves and a set of the 255 A6’s; that should be interesting… :thumb

me n him were tight back a couple years ago, used to ride Moto-X all the time

I had no idea there was so much trash talk building this autocross up lol. :matrix Seems a little childish…

It was definitely worth it to go, so surprised it didn’t rain! 42.63x was my best and I placed 3rd / 7 in the STS class. It’s hard to improve on the times out there when there are pavement irregularities and dirt/gravel all over. You need someone to critically analyze while you drive! I only shifted into 2nd once a run around the first slalom. My tires need a rotation now…fwd ftl

Good to meet you Ryan and Bobby and mr. MR2. My favorite car to watch was that incredibly fast Subie with the pink roll cage, but the IS-F that showed up was pretty sweet too. He was way timid at the beginning, but grew some balls later on. Dude was like 25 years old!

RPI autocross double header this next weekend: Saturday and Sunday! That is, of course, pending nice weather.

+1 it was nice to meet some of you guys and see some familliar faces, glad you came out. That STi runs in my class and handed my ass to me on a platter every event this year. :nod It’s a scary car, launched a few fireballs during the runs yesterday.

Any of you guys going up to Edinburg (Kart Track) This weekend? Even though the course redefines the phrase ‘inconsistent pavement’, it’s a fun event.