Auto X: SCCA Solo II 9/14/08

Thanks for taking the fun out of it, Mom! :gay


I really wasn’t saying much, just pointing out that he had no experience and had 10 year old all seasons rated for mud and snow. He was the one that kept attacking me saying I’ll get smoked.

Dave! Good to see you on here! Put a pic of the Bajahaha in your sig so people know who you are :nod . Unless you value you unanimousness :ninja

That’s me. thanks!
If any of you guys took pics (I thought there were some RPI guys watching) I’d love to get copies. Or video would be even better.

Word. Byron’s STI transitions like no other at a MoHud event. Fun to watch.

Very true. I’ve got the fastest, ruling out this one rich kid with a 750Li

actually jae has the fastest car in schoool seeing how his car is probably low 13’s high 12’s in the quarter

^key word, probably.

he’s not running it this year so we have no numbers to go off of.

Probably high 13’s. BUT, the fact that it was built and maintained by “porschemaster” means that it won’t even make it to the track let alone break in half if it did. That chassis is BEAT, so much rust on the underside.

jae huh is going to the track on the 26th and chuck u dont have to make fun of joe everytime lol seeing how he helps u in ur car to

don’t worry kramer.

ill have something for your cockyass before october 26th

The gauntlet has been thrown down.

if this is the eclipse owner “jae” why pick on Kramer’s bone stock 14 sec land yacht? Is it an accomplishment to beat that?? Beat my 4 door sedan’s time :ssh :ohsnap

since when am i cocky? last time i asked you you said you wont go till you get the FMIC which you said would take a while.

I probably have a better 0-10 knots time anyway.

PS- Jae, if you have to use the expression “cocky ass”, don’t put it all as one word, pl0x, that’s uber :gay :umm

^and who’s idea was it to add that last smiley? :lol That’s from CRSX, I don’t know if it’s from other forums too.

one thing i know is that i wont be spraying and my car wont be broken down like your 4 door :crackup

Who cares if you’re not spraying? plenty of people spray on here, it’s a form of forced induction retard. :pete

Who said my car was broken down? I could drive it to Lake George and back right now if i didn’t take it off the road and put my beater on the road. You won’t even have a shot at my car when it’s done, let alone before.


you’re welcome again for that smiley ;D

and you two need to both relax, jae, that was a lame call out, you don’t even know joey. joe- theres no reason to respond to a stupid statement like that. jsut a " :idiots " smiley will do ;D

i’m not picking sides here, but there’s no reason to get into intraw3bz arguments before you’ve even met each other.

jae, since i don’t think you’ve ever even watched a T&T night at LVD, why don’t you come with me on thurs to watch? i can introduce you to joe and others on here.


No more Wed. T&T’s for me…I’ll be going to a couple Sat T&T’s to get more runs and because i have class Wed. nights…last week i felt like wasting gas and had a full bottle so i drove out :lol

SCCA auto-X > RPI auto-X

Much better course design and not 37489120573892104 unnecessary cones.

Good to meet you Kramer… and I think that’s it. Haha… I guess I didn’t branch out enough. I realize how much tire pressures matter now. Need to turn down the fronts. At least I still beat Rob (black rx7) he always beats me.

Yeah the STi in the second slalom before the X was ridiculous.

last run of the day. fuck it.

Don’t blame me for the poor quality, my friend took them on my camera, pretty sure the settings were all messed up.

*Jeff this weekend turn up your front tire pressure, look how much your front is rolling the sidewall!