Auto X: SCCA Solo II 9/14/08

Wow does that picture ever illustrate sidewall rolling! I had them low to begin with and was just being stubborn lol

:wow - that looks bad. For street tires you should have them in the 38-42psi range, depending on the tire, and then play with them from there. We’ve had 1 guy actually break the bead on a front tire and have it totally deflate and kill the rim because the sidewall rolled too much in a tight turn during an autox.

This is what happens when you have shitty lots and huge tires

WOW. Byron’s car looks great in this pic.

Holy body roll, Batman! That’s Ian’s 2.5RS, it would have done pretty well in the stock class but he has an upgraded header so that put him in STS where he was a little out-modded :lol

Michael-definitely branch out at the next event, I overheard a lot of people talking (good things) about “that red 240”… but no one knew who owned it :lol

i llove how almost every cone is knocked down. lol

Any more pics?


I’ll be nice :lol

The knocked down cones indicate which way to go. The knocked down cones that are right next to upright cones indicate which side of the cone to go on. Seeing an arial view would help more, all auto x courses look REALLY confusing if you’re not familiar with them from the side (like in these pics). They only make sense after walking them 2 or 3 times.


check the cone that I’m approaching in my sig. I’m going on the right side of it because that’s what the knocked-down cone touching it indicates. An auto X course is just a lot of those cones strung together, essentially. There’s a little more to it but that’s it in a sentence.


1stgen’s Scirocco looks SICK!

was a joke, i was hoping for someone like brett or someone to be like YOUR A FUCKING NOOOBLET!!!
i know what they are i went to rpis last year one to watch.

i was in one in Conn, they let us drive the coruse 3 times at 10 mph. and thats all the practice you got. ill try to find the link, my friend goes to hartford, they have one there.


hahaha told ya…

I’m not really sure what I’m looking at. The diff or the cup that holds the axle?

Kramer: yeah i will next time. When did his STi not look good? haha thing was a.mazing.

yeah i had my pressure in the rear at 25psi on the way over… probably would’ve popped off if i ran like that ::).

Jlynn (sp?) has a bunch more pics, in much better quality.

I want a God damn Mini Cooper to AutoX with. :sad

Jeff, not trying to be a douche, but dont sit there and ask a stupid question like that, get the answer… then say you were kidding and waiting for someone to say something, because it makes you look like more of an idiot trying to say yeah yeah I know I know after you asked a stupid question you supposidly knew the answer to.

Just my .02

:crackup :lmao I thought the same thing…but didn’t want to be ‘that guy’ to reply and say that.

I saw you take this picture and I was thinking don’t look at the camera…look casual. haha

I know there was a young guy there who showed me a video on his camera of my car spitting the flames. If anyone can get a hold a video I’d really appreciate it.

Oh no that was my friend not me. He looks like Harold from Harold and Kumar. I have TONS of hair. no biggie tho.

Yeah that was J-lynn. I’ll have that video by this weekend.

yeah that’s the guy.

That video will be great and if I can get a copy that would be even better. thanks/

I’m with Mike, what the hell is this a picture of? You got like halfway through the course then it sounded like the engine wasn’t connecting to the road (axle, tranny?) and coasted straight to the trailer. I was really looking forward to watching my first Sciorroco experience rip through that course!

Shattered the inner driver side axle, BTW who owns the now wrecked mazdaspeed protege-last night? Saw it at the towing place when i wen’t out to my car this morning, hope he’s ok, car looks mangled.

that was C. Spencer something. I thought I misclassed him until I saw it was a MSP not an MS3!


oh wow, I’ll talk to him. I’m pretty sure he’s okay otherwise I would’ve heard something. How badly damaged was the car?