Avoid Malta on Tuesday (5/8) *pics*

He’ll do it he’s crazy! Plus he hangs out with ninjas.

They prefer to be called samurais.

They will say anything to win an election and this is not exclusive to the president. I am pretty sure every single GOP candiate has at one point said the same thing. (not taking sides, just pointing out the facts.)

They are still importing a ton of people from overseas for jobs. I see them all come through our fax machine while verifying their immigration documents at work.

My friend is an engineer there and he said over 75% of the place is all Asian minorities who barely speak English :rofl

…and mostly likely being paid at minimum wage. If they can hire local people who are willing to work for the same wages, would you think they will go throught all the trouble to bring people from overseas? Not to mention those overseas workers probably have 10X the experience building electronics as pretty much every single piece of electronic is made in Asia.

Everyone hates out sourcing, but will you be willing to pay 35% more for everything you buy if it helps domestic work forces? The ONLY country I know that the people are happy and willing to do so is Japan.

They don’t make minimum wage first off. I am an engineer at global foundries and work with nothing but Japanese people. There are 75% Asian workers because almost all of the companies that have tools in the fab are Japanese based companies, and experts on how to install, operate the tools. They outsource because for this reason, not to save money

I see, my mistake then. So that shouldn’t be call outsourcing then if what they do requires their specific expertise which cannot be found or replace by domestic work force.

There are in the process of “teaching” us Americans how to properly install and operate the tools. The Japanese companies don’t feel safe letting domestic work force install tools. They usually only use massive amounts of Japanese workers when a fab is just starting out(like global foundries). After the fab is up and running they will all go to other fabs throughout the world. So once global is finished with construction, all tools are installed, and producing micro chips it will run on domestic work force for the most part.

Good to hear it will eventually be transfer to local work force.

Yea it might take a couple years tho. But as hudsonfalcon said there contract is to hire 80% of new yorkers

Yes they are pretty much done with hiring outside of the country and even outside of the state. You will still see a lot of foreign paperwork coming through because we have hundreds of vendors, contractors, and GF people from other FAB’s on a constant rotation.

The transition from a contractor/vendor run FAB to a GF run FAB is a day by day thing but within a year or so FAB 8 will be run by people that live here.


Avoid Albany now, he’s going to Albany Nano…

The KFC in Malta will be relieved.

shit…:rofl I drove by there almost daily…

I’m sure this won’t turn traffic into a disaster on Tuesday.

“Logistical reasons” are to blame for a change in President Barack Obama’s itinerary for his visit to the Capital Region on Tuesday. Instead, he’ll visit the College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering’s Albany NanoTech Complex at UAlbany, New York for what a White House source calls “an event on the economy.”

CNSE’s Albany NanoTech Complex is a fully-integrated research, development, prototyping, and educational facility that provides strategic support through outreach, technology acceleration, business incubation, pilot prototyping, and test-based integration support for onsite corporate partners including IBM, Intel, GlobalFoundries, Applied Materials as well as other next generation nanotechnology research activities.

Dont forget fuller is closed (between extension and central
I90w UAlbany exit including).

Gonna be epic, grabbing popcorn for the shit show. :lol


I wonder if he gets to see the vacant HVCC building up there. They spent tons of money on that bling new building but haven’t had anything but one or two summer classes there in the 2 years its been open.

I saqw those signs about Fuller being closed, guess I know why now.

Fuller is closed because of construction, not Barry