Awwww yeah! (post meet comments)

:run: :run: :run: :run: :run:

bings having mini bings.



ur a fag for not coming…

Greg, Hutchy, Alex (pearl 13 and Eyres) Ed yah, dip, pavel, andrew, john stoupos, Tom, G, Mike Kent, Mercedeh, andrew (i-box), antonio, vlad, chris K, etc. etc.

you guys are all extreme douches for wussing out and not coming down.

It didnt rain a drop, the weather is no excuse.

i had saved maybe 8-10 front half parking spots for the senior guys on the club and their cars and was very dissappointed that you didnt show.

i hope you all fall into a huge pit of excruciatingly hot feces fires and survive just long enough to apologise to everyone in song-form.

first trimester…whhaaattt!!!

i had no idea

congrats boyo

hope its a boy

Bing, I thought that you woulda saved one of those spots up front for me but you didn’t. =( I guess my car isn’t good enough eh.


MY first time coming i had an awsome time so many nice 240sx the cruise was awsome too thanks for putting it on …good food too haha :slight_smile:

i didnt know wifey was a prego!

Congrats Bing. You can pass that on to Melissa as well.

haha yea i was debating coming down to the met neways…

but i didnt.

oh well.

see you guys at cscs


Was it just me or anybody else there without a turbo?:S

I am still lacking a turbo lol, I know what you mean to I felt like a total minority at the meet.


nice to see bings dad again haha we used to work together…he told me about bings wife being prego…funny shit

Oh and the food was good bing. Maybe one year ill get to come with a car.

Damn it sucks living in a box and using other peoples wireless internet to log onto the net

woot for No turbo :slight_smile:

yah the lack of boost becomes pretty evident :frowning: lol

Indeed, but still an excellent time!

I feel bad, I showed up with two. Not to mention another 4 in the garage…decisions decisions…I gotta finish this car one day.

balllin ^

Awsomeness all round.
4 years of trying to make it out finnaly paid off.
Worth the time and effort to make it down.
Thanks Bing for making being a part of Son240sx worth while
and to those who showed up. BTW I don’t think the SQ1 cruse
was much of a cruse more of a Rally.
The in car videos i took should be posted mid week.

Thanks Bing… top notch…

bing, bless u, once again u made me giddy