hey guys you know when the price of gas is low and people are flooding the gas station cars everywhere and shit, i had people give me fingers and yell at me probably 3 times this winter already, and dont really do anything to them either, is this normal ?
It is perfectly normal. People who line up for half an hour to save 5 cents
a litre on gas are out of their mind in the first place. Why bother with it?
i just crank my sub up if theres a line, lol i ve gotten some nasty stare’s
The best part is that while people wait in a long line-up, most cars idle…
This is the way to do it!!
No bad experieces here, only regulated province though so you know a day before if gas is going to go up/down the next day, and you just have to be smart when you buy your gas.
man yesterday i was filling up gas and this idiot in a intrepid parked rite inbetween two pumps so that a car cant get in front of him, so i backed up and im about to fuel up he walks up to me and says ‘ur gonna have to move so i can get out’ without saying please or anything so i said ‘yea right after im done’ so he gets into his piece of shit and revs me and pretends hes gonna hit me, i realize i cant reach the hose, get in my car, making him thinkim gonna move, i know i have enough space so i floor it and go right between his car and the pump and scare the shit out of him, he gives me the finger and starts yelling and peals out and understeers through the intersection, faking lunatic
Shelburne hwy 89 SUnoco.
“yeah $20 94”
I pay and prepare to leave when I casuall notice that my litres # exceed my dollars (when ultra was $1.09) and I go back in and say “what grade did you give me”
“uhm, regular”
“WHAT? this shit is Blitz tune turbo’d, bitch.”
“so?, I would have driven oh 15 mins, my motor would have been knocking so bad I would have had to come back and lay a beating on you, shit your job is so easy and you fck it up.”
2 bottles of Octane booster and then fill the car up $25 more of ACTUAL 94 myself.
Another time I got out open my tank, placed the 94 pump in and went in to pay, I casually noticed the assclown attendant (full serve) take the 94 pump out and put the mixed grade one in. and I run out screamin’ “94 BTICH, 94”
Last winter while driving my Maxima I pulled into the Sunoco on Queen/Kingston area in the beaches.
It’s Full-Service Only and the gas was pretty expensive at the time. Since it was freezing outside I rolled my window down less than half-way and very clearly told the “non-english speaking” gas attendant “10 bucks”. He was obviously cold and in a hurry and didn’t seem to pay any attention to what I’d just said.
So bonehead pops the nozzle in the tank, sets it to auto and walks away…I’m like, you better hurry back or there’s going to be a lot more than 10 bucks of gas comming out of that hose!
At this point I realize he’s gone waaay over 10 bucks without comming back. He’s nowhere to be seen so I’m thinking I’m about to get some free gas! cool!
After a few minutes and the pump having turned itself off (since my tank is now FULL) Habbib returns to my window and says “40 dollars please!”
I’m like “no, here’s the 10 bucks for the gas I told you I wanted” , " I don’t even have 40 dollars on me!" so I start my car to drive away with my new free gas
Now he’s pissed. Habbib starts yelling at me in half-english half something else “You cock suc*er! You told me to fill it up!” …to wich I respond "No, I said 10 bucks and thats all I’m paying you. “If you learned to listen then you wouldn’t have overfilled my tank!”
Now that he’s good and pissed I start to drive away, so, the a-hole tries to grab me through my still open window screaming “You owe me 30 dollars! If you don’t pay me I will report you to the Police!! …I have your licence plate!!”
“Fine” I say, “go ahead” as I drive off nearly ripping his arm off in my window. I’m sure the police will come knocking on my door tonight…
i would have made the gas station pay that shit…i woulda been sooo pissed
Next time, specify that you want the premium. Of course he’s going to put in the regular. And if it was fullserve, why were you walking inside to pay? Kinda defeats the purpose.
oh I always specify believe me. sometimes it takes the dumbasses a couple of times to remember
walking in for interac payment. Car didn’t have heat so it may have been warmer outside or in the kiosk
I totally agree with Andrew, I would never sit there in line to save a few cents, Im not rich or anything but Im not going to go out of my way to save a few cents, most of the times I don’t even check the price of gas, the only time I will check is if there are like 2 gas stations close to each other or across the street from one another, then I just pull in to the cheapest one, other times if I need gas I just pull into a gas station and start pumping.
it’s hard getting them to understand what 94 means sometimes, i say super 94 or super premium. emphasize SUPER.
i haven’t had any gas station hassles, but before my gas cap was on a platic tie, you know so it won’t drop. one day at the full serve the guy kindly ripped it off. it wasn’t easy to pluck, i felt him tug on it from inside the car. :evil: he must have DFS.
Its Ultra 94 here.
And id get out and tear him a new cornhole.
I don’t doubt stuff like this happens more than you think…
ps. Was he brown?
haha just kidding…
Dick Piper with the Division of Oil and Public Safety
the first day it became warm this old bastard in the touchless wash lineup went angry cause it was taking too long and yelled at the wash operators and then the hott asian chick that was inside came out to solve the problem me and my buddy were having a blast watching the whole thing…
all this shit keeps happening at hwy7&bayview sunoco…