Badnewsmini= SCUMBAG

according to the last 4pgs, people are blaming the buyer on the grounds that he obv didn’t look over the car thoroughly enough, and believed too much of the seller was saying - despite evidence that might prove otherwise, if inspected further.

it’s not ‘end of story’. like any other life conflict, this isn’t black & white, it’s gray. sellers should tell the truth, buyers should really do their best to know everything they can about the item. does this happen all the time? apparently not.

ya you shouldt have to jack someones car up get underneath it, and then discover the person was lieing to you by finding jb weld on the tranny housing. The seller should be man enough to admit that the tranny is leaking and that he attempted to jb weld it.

are you guys serious? how can you side with the seller? do you like living in a shady area where people try to rip you off? and when someone does rip you off, just go ahead and say, oh this is normal for WNY and its the sellers fault for not being inspector fucking gadget? this is fucking rediculous (sp?) i’m speechless as to how many people are trying to defend this guy that is trying to pull a fast one and rip someone off.

its ok to sell a used car without disclosing all the information, especially when being directly asked about the fluid leak?

he even said everything himself in black and white. as a seller he tried to hide the fact that it was leaking. he said he figure he would see it when he got there. why the fuck wouldn’t you tell him before hand that it leaks fluid? seriously fluid is fluid, you try to make yourself look good because you might not have said tranny fluid, when he asked if it leaked any fluids like coolant or oil.


I stated in the ad it didn’t Burn or leak oil or coolant… not tranny fluid.

I figured you would find the leak when you got there (yes Prolly should have told you before… that’s a little shady)


sorry end rant, but this is just retarded how so many people are siding with the seller and saying its the buyers fault!

Yes as I already stated…I did know about the tranny leak…so did the buyer when he decided to buy the car.

No I did not JB weld the tranny or know exactly where the leak was or what was leaking.

Yes I did know about the JB weld…but I had no reason to believe that was the problem and I didn’t inspect any further. I owned the car since March…and really it was my fiance’s not mine.

And in the end he’s already fixed it for about 20.00 of jb weld…and we went down 200 in price because of the leak…
This is an 11 year old car that had been in a front end accident before I owned it. Should I be expected to know where every single dent or crack is on it, if it wasn’t disclosed to me in the first place?

Its posted right at the TOP of the FS Section BUYER BEWARE… so it is what it is ,just be done with this now and move on a little wiser and smarter from the outcome


How in the world is anyone blaming the guy who bought the car? He was lied to*, end of story.

*Assuming his account is accurate.


I’m not blaming him. However if he had done due dilegence, he wouldn’t be in this predicament. Being lazy cost him.

So in that sense, then yes I am blaming him.

one way or another, you’ve been under the car at least 4 times to change the oil. every time you could not have missed it. you lied to me, you’re a scumbag, good luck trying to sell anything on here again. i’ll just search your name and link this thread.

thanks to a bunch of you who finally realized that you shouldnt be defending mike. i know that i should have inspected the car better, but i shouldnt HAVE to. thats the point. i asked mike specifically about the leak and he lied to me.

also, if you guys think stopping the leak with jb weld is “fixing” it, then you’re all hacks. i’ll be replacing the outer half of the case once i locate one.

normally i stay away form things with STD’s as out in the open as you are…
But yes, it was a scum bag move, and how can you not climb under the car and miss that. And if you know its JB weld then an you didn 't do it, who did? Or at least tell the seller.
Man up and cover the case for the tranny or buy the car back!


normally i stay away form things with STD’s as out in the open as you are…
But yes, it was a scum bag move, and how can you not climb under the car and miss that. And if you know its JB weld then an you didn 't do it, who did? Or at least tell the seller.
Man up and cover the case for the tranny or buy the car back!


yeah, its a shitty situation. i think this thread is serving its purpose though. i would say mike rep as a seller and honest guy are pretty much shot. oh and mike, i hope you read this, your wife is a scumbag too. my gf reminded me the other day that she heard your wife say “make sure it says AS IS on the bill of sale”. i thought nothing of it at the time, but now, i know it was because she knew you guys had something to hide.


Yes. Especially at dealerships.

Every vehicle I currently own was thoroughly gone over by me including jacking it up. I’ll roll to the dealership with my own jack, or at the very least a telescoping mirror. They hate that :slight_smile:


You never looked under my blazer and you seemed pretty steadfast on buying that?

[quote=“I Have an STD,post:89,topic:34591"”]

oh and mike, i hope you read this, your wife is a scumbag too.


:wtf: You whiney prick. Now you’re trashing his wife?

Get the sand out of your vagina and move on. Buyer beware. All private party used car sales are “as-is.” It was your responsibility to know what you’re buying, not his responsibility to tell you every detail of everything that was wrong with it. Sure it’s a bit shady that he didn’t disclose that there was JB Weld patching the tranny housing, but he wasn’t obligated to.

The fact that you’ve brought it to publicly trashing both him and his wife makes me happy for him to have dumped his problem on a sucker. On top of it all, even with the problem you still got a good deal.

Quit your bitching. Learn your lesson. Be more careful next time.

[quote=“I Have an STD,post:89,topic:34591"”]

yeah, its a shitty situation. i think this thread is serving its purpose though. i would say mike rep as a seller and honest guy are pretty much shot. oh and mike, i hope you read this, your wife is a scumbag too. my gf reminded me the other day that she heard your wife say “make sure it says AS IS on the bill of sale”. i thought nothing of it at the time, but now, i know it was because she knew you guys had something to hide.


Yeah, because private party sales on 10 year old cars always come with a warranty…

Now this is just getting silly, and shitty.

i never once said it came with a warranty. i also stated MYSELF that i know there is no legal action i can take. this is a moral thing. he did a shitty thing. his wife did a shitty thing. they were both in on it, therefore they are both to blame.
and how many time have i said “i know i should have looked under it better”. i know i could have prevented this if i nazi-inspected the thing. point was, i trusted him, and he fucked me. this thread was made to let everyone else know that mike is a shady fuck, and never to trust him.

he makes threads whining about everything all the time, nothing is ever his fault…

somebody lock this shit already

caveat emptor


he makes threads whining about everything all the time, nothing is ever his fault…


you come into my threads and whine about me whining all the time. hypocrite.

im done with this thread now. let it fade into obscurity, its served its purpose.

Wahhhh I’m from Rochester… Wahhh people screwed me over… Waahhh I didnt check out a several thousand dollar purchase thouroughly…

Wow, the only asshole I see at this point is you. Even if the receipt didn’t say as is, its still considered as is. When I sold my Blazer, my dad made sure I put that on there. So what, some people forget small details like that when they sell a car, didn’t mean his, “wife was in on it.” You need to quit whining and realize it was your own fault. End of story.

[quote=“I Have an STD,post:93,topic:34591"”]

i never once said it came with a warranty. i also stated MYSELF that i know there is no legal action i can take. this is a moral thing. he did a shitty thing. his wife did a shitty thing. they were both in on it, therefore they are both to blame.
and how many time have i said “i know i should have looked under it better”. i know i could have prevented this if i nazi-inspected the thing. point was, i trusted him, and he fucked me. this thread was made to let everyone else know that mike is a shady fuck, and never to trust him.


So shut the fuck up already and stop pretending that this thread is about anything but you whining about being suckered. If his wife is anything like mine, she probably doesn’t even know what JB Weld is but knows what is and read that you should put “as is” on the bill of sale.

Not that it matters. If this thread was about anything but you being a whiney little bitch you would have simply stated that badnewsmini lied about how bad a known problem with the car was, and that would be it. Instead you’re in here calling both him and his wife scum bags.

Maybe his sale was a little shady but this thread is proving nothing except that you’re a no-class piece of trash.

Sorry, but bringing his wife into this is just over the top.

Finally, want to know how much this thread has accomplished towards your fake goal? If badnewsmini had a car for sale that I was interested in purchasing, I’d go look but I’d be careful not to trust him. But you know what? I would have done that before you came on here bad mouthing him because I don’t “trust” people when it comes to spending thousands of my money.

deep breath