Banning Bashers!!

More brake torque? You don’t need any more than required to lock your wheels. If you can lock your wheels, you have enough brake torque. Unless, ofcourse actual teams that design, build and race their cars competitively are wrong, and you Ahmed, are right.
Less fade? If you fade your brakes on the street then you drive like an idiot, and deserve every ticket cops give you. You pretty much need to be doing 200-0 stops to fade brakes, or a few repeated 150-50s, both of which should land you in jail, and off of our streets. Do you know how I know? I actually TOOK my car to the track, and faded my brakes there, so I know what it takes to fade them.
I’m not even gonna start on unsprung weight, because you probably don’t even know what it is.
Better construction?? How many people have their OEM calipers fail on them due to poor construction?

LOL, that’s the stupidest thing you’ve said yet. Do you think any of us give a fuck that YOU don’t consider your threads stupid? And it’s hillarious how you think you know more than me about cars. What exactly is your automotive background that makes you such an authority? No amount of reading Ziptied can substitute a technical education and involvement with race teams.
Do you know why I bash you, specifically, more than anyone else? Because you insist on misinforming new users. You insist on spewing your idiocy as gospel, to those that don’t know any better and may actually believe you.