BAS not like dyno results - he disagrees with dyno

  • ah I see so they WILL be less then 3300…

  • you would have never claimed them as SPT’s if I hadn’t said anything… omission is no defense.

um physics is pretty set in that whole expansion and contraction of gases as they heat and cool… hard to be wrong about that… as for revision… well I’ve got the article right here in Race tech, pulled it out just to 2x check it… yep i’m right… your not … again.

ohh a grammar attack… your cool.

I guess money talks, you know that very well. as for owning a 240, seems to me allot of members here don’t own a 240 here so whats your point?

yes that silly technical talk… it’s a complete waste of time, no one needs to actually KNOW what they are talking about and doing… why that would be madness… that would mean they would know your a dullard… a fake. Those air filters still giving higher turbo intake velocities there buddie ?? lol…

and common, it’s son… the least serious internetz ON the internet…