Battery re-location

i plan on re-locating my batter to my trunk for better weight distribution. Has any one here done this successfully. i would really like this to be a very clean install and almost OEM looking. Any tips will be appreciated. thanks

relocate youself into the trunk

^^^…:word: and get back to work

just search online…best bet…make a thread in ur lexus forum…i’m sure someone has done it

why don’t you re-locate your self in your wheel dish.


^^^…yea that’s not funny at all… :slight_smile:

and the votes are in…yes i…i do believe that is…

the worst comeback EVER!

ill make it even worse. 5-2

^^^OMG…you got me good… cause that’s not so damn old…way to be original :smash2: :stuck_out_tongue:

yup… go take a call asshole. lol cuz its so BUSY.

is that 30lbs battery really going ot make a difference in a stock lexus

in a stock IS300 , No it will not.

on topic kids, or i will lay out some kwanzaa ass whoopins

oh way to ruin the fun ass :stuck_out_tongue:

as i said before…just make a thread on th lexus forum…somebody has probably attempted to do this in their IS

Im sure there is a convienent way to do it, however I’m also sure someone makes a mini battery kit for your car, which will free up space in your engine bay if thats what you were trying to accomplish in the first place.

There was a big debate on this on a LS1 board a while back…people figured out your better off using a light weight battery then trying to move a 30lb battery to the trunk and add another 15+lbs of wiring & battery box.

a lightclass battery might be a better option.

no Sureshot! i am not trying to make more room. just trying to take some weight from the front, for better weight distribution.

It can be done, and it will help with weight distribution generally speaking as a great majority of the vehicles mass is in the front end of the vehicle. Generally taking weight away from the front of the vehicle allows for better weight distribution, less understeer, and much better braking especially while cornering. This is to say that you know your vehicles corner weights and that you know where wieght would best be subtracted and added.

Summit sells a fairly comprehensive battery relocation kit fairly cheap. Alot of times with Asian vehicles you have multiple B+ wires stemming from the positive terminal. I would recommend if this is the case to stop by somewhere like Kustom Workz and pick up a power distribution block as this will make the install and funciton that much better.

I did it successfully… I bought a Miata… :lol: (battery in trunk, stock)

Well, you can still learn from how Mazda did it.

  1. You need a battery tray with a tiedown.
  2. Mazda uses a battery that has a connection to a vent hose. You will want to find a way to make sure you can vent the battery to the outside as well.
  3. Huge ground wire is connected to the chassis, only about 6" long.
  4. One beefy power cable, probably 4Ga or more goes up to the front of the vehicle. Important: Put a fuse right at the battery.

wasent there just a thread about this, with a rx7

yup, a big and good one

For a daily driver I would steer clear of a mini battery, just because they don’t have the CC amps or reserve capacity.

Looking into Optima, Odessey, or Holley sealed type. They sell very nice brackets, but you are talking at least 100-150 for the battery maybe more and around $100 for a nice hold down bracket.