Been thinking about quiting drinking...

Thats the hardest thing with homebrewing. I want to try brewing so many different types of beer, but 5 gallons is a LOT to go through, hahah. I typically have a beer every other night, on average, which is why I still have the porter we made in August or September around.

Good choice cutting back

Are you fucking stupid? Do you just like to ask stupid questions you like to hear the answer to?

I like a beer every once in awhile. I can honestly say that the last time I actually had a buzz on from drinking was at a 4th of July party, and it was due to the fact that I was drinking over the course of the day. I wasn’t wasted, just had a bit of a buzz. I still have Sam Adams Summer Ale in my fridge that came in a 6 pack and I still have a Sam Adams Octoberfest in my fridge as well. A 6 pack will last me weeks in the summer. I’ve been drunk but I have NEVER had a hangover the next day, never. I’ve never blacked out or not remembered what I did the night before, fuck that shit.
You are a fucking idiot if you really need to say why you think you should stop drinking given you have 2 kids and what not. I feel stupider for having read your original post. You post makes about as much sense as a fat ass saying “Gee, I think I should stop eating McDonalds 3 times a day because for some reason I’m super fat.”

Alcoholism runs in my family on both sides (Austrian and Irish…go figure). I never really had a problem with it though. I used to drink a lot when I hit 21 obviously, who doesn’t. But after Jack’s bachelor party I pretty much quit. Never again will I drink THAT much soco lol.

all of you’s who who are telling him to grow the fuck up…or calling him an idiot are seriously assholes. Do you think it was easy for this guy to come on a forum full of people who are known to be total cock suckers and say that he has a problem and plans on changing it? He didn’t hurt anyone, didn’t get in trouble with the law nothing. On his own he came on here and randomly said he’s giving alcohol the boot.

I personally drink on the regular. I’ve never been blacked out. I never hurt anyone, I’ve never been in trouble with the law even as a teenager. I make it to work every day, Don’t owe a penny on anything I own, and can go out and run 5 miles right now and not think twice about it. Alcohol isn’t evil if you know how to control yourself and the environment you put yourself into while doing it.

so to the OP. If you feel that its time to part ways with alcohol more power to you. just don’t ignore your friends, or get mad that they still want to go to the bars if you don’t.

Do it.

My fathers side of the family is full of severe alcoholics. He is infact on the brink of death if he doesn’t stop. Thank goodness he was kicked out of the house years ago. I’ve been careful with it and I only drink when I’m out with friends so I’m pretty much a lightweight and I get bad hangovers which I can’t stand. Once and awhile I’ll enjoy one or two or three by myself but what sucks is everyone wants to go out drinking for fun.

Hey im drinking as we speak(type), but if I had two kids I wouldnt be drinking at all, unless it was my anniversary and i had a babysitter or something along those lines. Not trying to bash ya man just saying when i do have kids I will devote all my attention to them. If thas not reason enough to quit then I dont know what is.

I quit drinking a couple months ago. The most I’ve had to drink in months was on new years when I had 4 beers.

A big part of it was because of my job. I was working full time 6 days a week and I just didn’t have time for it. I feel so much better not drinking all the time and it is so much easier to save money.

My roommate recently got a DWI, like a week before new years and I have had to watch him go through the nonsense of keeping himself out of jail.

Blackout drunk+black ice+ taking an off ramp at excessive speeds and causing mass amounts of property damage to a lawyers lawn= serious law violations/possible jail time.

Thanks to him I no longer want to have a beer and get behind the wheel. Can’t say it’s a bad thing, not for me at least.

most people don’t though.

Quitting drinking is for pussies…wait…nvm.

Mmmm Bodingtons :slight_smile: I fucking love beer, not that silly American trash though.

Also, people that don’t drink and insist on making you feel retarded/make fun of you because you DO drink…they can all suck a nut, fuck that nonsense. If you don’t wanna drink good for you but if you bash me or think me lesser cuz I do then I’ll mushroom stamp the shit out of your forehead.

My rant.

Continue on.

omgz people can’t control their drinking

I just want to say congrats to you man. i just recently quit after my drinking got real bad (would stay up for 2 days nonstop drinking with friends), it got to the point where i lost alot of things i enjoy and people around me, so if you can stay off more power to ya:bigclap:

i haven’t had more than one or two beers in… probably 2 years.

Up until new years, I was on a 3-4 a day diet. I blame my out of town friend that filled my beer fridge with expensive good beers…
It takes a lot more shit beer for me to disregard the lack of taste.

As for drinking with two kids…
Try having 2 kids and NOT drinking :smiley: (yes, it’s a joke)

I missed this :frowning:

i do love me some beer.

fry, shut up and lets go drinking this weekend.

I miss going to barbill on tuesdays for BOGO wings and beer.

I’m 28 years old and never had an alcoholic drink in my entire life.

I’ve never had a problem having a great time without alcohol.

There have been times in my life where I have felt absolutely devastated, yet I can’t understand why anyone would ever want to feel any different than the way they feel right that second.

I’m just not into things that are fake.

Damn mens clothing and its fakeness!