Beer Rating Thread

I love it.

pilsner only for me

Dogfishhead 120 > all others.

It really pushes the limits of what a beer can be, without tasting like a barleywine.


mideval brewing co has some really good ones, their winter wizard ale is delish as well as their beast bitter

oh god, arrogant bastard ale is some wild shit. Me and my buddy tried that one night. Hoppy ass shit but good.

:bump: :bump: :bump: :bump: :bump: :bump: :bump: :bump: :bump: :bump: :bump: :bump: :bump: :bump: :bump: :bump: :bump: :bump: :bump: :bump: :bump: :bump:


HAHA ^ you should be banned for that mike, you gotta try some micro brews bud. Theres soo much more out there you don’t know about.

blue moon
sam adams cherry wheat(dont knock it till you try it)
fat tire
and a pabst for when i wanna beat my wife for leaving the trailer door open

I’m a canadian import person really.


I also like:

EBC Hefevizen (sp?), Blueberry
Rolling Rock

red stripe FTW
then blue is next in line

I knew there was a reason I liked you.

Solid fucking choices.

i’m not a big fan of beer myself, but this thread makes me think of a funny line my dad uses pretty frequently:

“The worst beer i ever had…was delicious.”

You guys are all missing out…


sounds like a porn move to me…

in which case you’d be right…i am missing out on all those hobgoblin whores

If no one has tried it I suggest

Leininkugel Sunset Wheat.

Tastes like fruity pebbles in a glass.

When in Rome…

In no particular order:

-Middle Ages Wailing Wench
-Red Stripe
-EBC Double Diamond
-Dogfishhead 120min
-Delerium Tremens
-Heineken Dark
-Ommengang Three Philosophers
-Sam Adams Triplebock

I’m sure more will come to me besides what Jay said, but for now I’ll add:

Delirium Tremens, which when I looked it up I noticed won “Beer of the world in 1998”. Love that stuff.

edit: D’oh, Eric beat me to it.

spotin opinator